Thursday, February 28, 2013

Google+ Photos app for Chromebooks revealed in more detail, thanks to new screenshots

Google+ Photos app for Chromebooks revealed in more detail, thanks to new screenshots

Chances are, you've been gawking at that gorgeous new Pixel Chromebook, but aren't planning on, you know, buying it. No matter. For those of you who enjoy software porn, we've got a few more shots of the Pixel's forthcoming Photos application, which will eventually make its way to other Chromebooks, too. A developer on Google+ named François Beaufort has uploaded a series of screenshots, giving us a more detailed look -- good news since we only had three screens to show you when the software was first announced. Included in Beaufort's gallery is the settings page, which confirms that automatic photo uploads from SD cards are actually optional. The one thing you won't see in those pics? A full illustration of the intelligent photo selector, which is supposedly smart enough to weed out your blurry and poorly exposed shots. Hopefully all you Pixel owners out there will see for yourselves soon enough.

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Via: Android Central

Source: Google+ (Francois Beaufort)


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Newt transcriptome offers insight into tissue regeneration

Feb. 18, 2013 ? Scientists have identified protein families expressed during tissue regeneration in newts, providing the groundwork for research into whether particular sets of genes are used for the purpose. The transcriptome -- the map of all RNA molecules -- of the newt is published this week in BioMed Central's open access journal Genome Biology. Notophthalmus viridescens is a useful model in regenerative medicine, thanks to its ability to regenerate tissue, and this data gives insights into the mechanisms behind this process.

N. viridescens, the common newt, is native to North America, and an urodelian amphibian. Newt and salamander genomes are enormous; currently too big to sequence, but their potential to regenerate entire limbs, along with parts of the central nervous system, has fascinated scientists for over 200 years. Thomas Braun, Thilo Borchardt at the Max Planck Institutes, Patagonis Tsonis at the University of Dayton and their colleagues sequenced a collection of healthy and regenerated tissues from newts, and converged them into one comprehensive transcriptome. Their analysis identified 826 proteins specific for urodeles, and several newly identified proteins that they believe may play important roles in regeneration process unique for urodeles. Their data also outline genes that appear only in regenerating, but not uninjured material, which will be of interest in regenerative medicine.

The transcriptome is not complete, but serves as a matrix for further analyses. The authors believe that their findings represent only the tip of the iceberg: 'Our data provide the groundwork for mechanistic experiments to answer the question whether urodeles utilize proprietary sets of genes for tissue regeneration.' They continue: 'The newly established de novo transcriptome [...] will be an indispensable resource for a better understanding of regenerative events in newts and facilitate the identifications of molecules [...] that control this fascinating process.'

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by BioMed Central Limited.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. mario Looso, Jens Preussner, Konstantinos Sousounis, Marc Bruckskotten, Christian S. Michel, Ettore Lignelli, Richard Reinhardt, Sabrina H?ffner, Marcus Kr?ger, Panagiotis A. Tsonis, Thilo Borchardt and Thomas Braun. A de novo assembly of the newt transcriptome combined with proteomic validation identifies new protein families expressed during tissue regeneration. Genome Biology, 2013; (in press) [link]

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Successful hacker attack could wreak 'absolute havoc'

Kevin Mandia, the founder and chief executive of Mandiant, discusses cyber-attacks on US companies and organizations.

By Erin McClam, Staff Writer, NBC News

A report tying the Chinese military to computer attacks against American interests has sent a chill through cyber-security experts, who worry that the very lifelines of the United States ? its energy pipelines, its water supply, its banks ? are increasingly at risk.

The experts say that a successful hacker attack taking out just a part of the nation?s electrical grid, or crippling financial institutions for several days, could sow panic or even lead to loss of life.

?I call it cyberterrorism that makes 9/11 pale in comparison,? Rep. Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican and chair of the House Intelligence Committee, told NBC News on Tuesday.

An American computer security company, Mandiant, reported with near certainty that members of a sophisticated Chinese hacking group work out of the headquarters of a unit of the Chinese army outside Shanghai.

The report was first detailed in The New York Times, which said that the hacking group?s focus was increasingly on companies that work with American infrastructure, including the power grid, gas lines and waterworks.

The Chinese embassy in Washington told The Times that its government does not engage in computer hacking.

As reported, the Chinese attacks constitute a sort of asymmetrical cyberwarfare, analysts said, because they bring the force of the Chinese government and military against private companies.

?To us that?s crossing a line into a class of victim that?s not prepared to withstand that type of attack,? Grady Summers, a Mandiant vice president, said on the MSNBC program ?Andrea Mitchell Reports.?

The report comes as government officials and outside security experts alike are sounding ever-louder alarms about the vulnerability of the systems that make everyday life in the United States possible.

A new report confirmed by U.S. intelligence officials has pinpointed a building in Shanghai where those working for the Chinese military launched cyberattacks against 141 US companies spanning 20 industries. NBC's Andrea Mitchell reports.

Outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned in October that the United States was facing a threat that amounted to ?cyber Pearl Harbor? and raised the specter of intentionally derailed trains, contaminated water and widespread blackouts.

?This is a pre-9/11 moment,? Panetta told business executives in New York. ?The attackers are plotting.?

RELATED: Report: Chinese army tied to widespread U.S. hacking

The Times report described an attack on Telvent, a company that keeps blueprints on more than half the oil and gas pipelines in North and South America and has access to their systems.

A Canadian arm of the company told customers last fall that hackers had broken in, but it immediately cut off the access so that the hackers could not take control of the pipelines themselves, The Times reported.

Dale Peterson, founder and CEO of Digital Bond, a security company that specializes in infrastructure, told NBC News that these attacks, known as vendor remote access, are particularly worrisome.

?If you are a bad guy and you want to attack a lot of different control systems, you want to be able to take out a lot,? he said. ?The dirty little secret in these control systems is once you get through the perimeter, they have no security at all. They don?t even have a four-digit pin like your ATM card.?

Carlos Barria / Reuters

Locals walks in front of 'Unit 61398', a secretive Chinese military unit, in the outskirts of Shanghai. The unit is believed to be behind a series of hacking attacks, a U.S. computer security company said.

The 34-minute blackout at the Super Bowl earlier this month highlighted weak spots in the nation?s power system. A National Research Council report declassified by the government last fall warned that a coordinated strike on the grid could devastate the country.

That report considered blackouts lasting weeks or even months across large parts of the country, and suggested they could lead to public fear, social turmoil and a body blow to the economy.

Vital systems do not have to be taken down for very long or across a particularly widespread area, the experts noted, to cause social disorder and to spread fear and anxiety among the population.

Last fall, after Hurricane Sandy battered the Northeast, it took barely two days for reports of gasoline shortages to cause hours-long lines at the pumps and violent fights among drivers.

Peterson described being in Phoenix, Ariz., during a three-day gas pipeline disruption ?when people were waiting in line six hours and not going to work. You can imagine someone does these things maliciously, with a little more smarts, something that takes three months to replace.?

Similarly, hacking attacks last fall against major American banks ? believed by some security experts and government officials to be the work of Iran ? amounted to mostly limited frustration for customers, but foreshadowed much bigger trouble if future attacks are more sophisticated.

What worries Dmitri Alperovitch, co-founder of the computer security company CrowdStrike, is a coordinated attack against banks that modifies, rather than destroys, financial data, making it impossible to reconcile transactions.

?You could wreak absolute havoc on the world?s financial system for years,? he said. ?It would be impossible to roll that back.?

While the report Tuesday focused on China, the experts also highlighted Iran as a concern. That is because China, as a ?rational actor? state, knows that a major cyberattack against the United States could be construed as an act of war and would damage critical economic cooperation between the U.S. and China.

?With the Iranians in the game,? Rogers said, ?what?s worrisome is they don?t care. They have no economic lost opportunity.?

Security experts have for years expressed concern, if not outrage, that the nation?s critical infrastructure remains so vulnerable so long after Sept. 11, 2001. ?

But the escalating threats from hackers in China and Iran, in addition to Russia and North Korea, appear to be lending new urgency to efforts to make sure companies and government agencies are better prepared.

President Barack Obama announced in his State of the Union message last week that he had signed an executive order directing federal agencies to share certain unclassified reports of cyber threats with American companies.

The next day, Rogers and Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, a Maryland Democrat, reintroduced legislation designed in part to help companies share information. The bill passed the House last year but stalled in the Senate.

State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Tuesday that the United States has ?substantial and growing? concerns about threats to the U.S. economy and national security posed by cyberattacks.

?I think as recent public reports make clear, we?re obviously going to have to keep working on this,? she said. ?It?s a serious concern.?

Peterson said that oil, gas and electric companies had led the way in developing security perimeters, with water companies ?kind of in the middle? and transportation and mining companies lagging.

But even the protections enacted by companies so far leave too many holes, he said.

?They?re all in the same situation,? Peterson said. ?If you get through the perimeter, you can do whatever you want.?

A U.S. security firm has exposed the role of the Chinese military in an overwhelming number of cyber-attacks on U.S. infrastructure, government agencies, and corporations, resulting in the theft of information from military contractors and energy companies. Mandiant Vice President Grady Summers and Chris Johnson of the Center for Strategic and International Studies discusses.

This story was originally published on


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Rise Alarm Clock for iPhone and iPad review

It's sleep and relaxation week here at iMore for Mobile Nations fitness month, so we're going to take a look at an app that's related to both these topics: Rise Alarm Clock for iPhone and iPad.

Rise Alarm Clock for iPhone and iPad is a very elegantly designed alarm clock with a gesture-based interface and relaxing use of color. It's extremely easy, and even a little fun, to use.

To set an alarm, you simply hold your finger on the screen and swipe up and down until you reach the desired time (within 15 minutes). As you swipe along the screen, the background will change colors to reflect the time of day. To fine-tune the time, tap above or below the displayed time to move it by 5-minute increments. Once you've picked the correct time, just swipe left or right to set the alarm.

When the alarm is set the screen will go dark and the text will change to the color that the previous screen was for that time. A timer will also appear under the time that displays the amount of time until the alarm goes off. This makes Rise a great motivator to go to bed early so that you don't see a depressing "5 hours until rise" when you're heading to bed.

From this screen, you can also add or subtract time in 5-minute increments, create or select a playlist of music to fall asleep to, adjust the volume, and enable the repeating alarm.

After about 15 seconds of not doing anything on this screen, Rise switches to Clock Mode which displays the current time in the center and the amount of time left until the alarm goes off at the bottom. Taping the screen will take you out of Clock mode.

When the alarm goes off, the sound gently fades in so that it doesn't startle you awake. The displayed time also bounces on the screen and you are given the option to turn off the alarm by swiping left or right, or you can hit the snooze for more sleep. If you opt for the snooze, you can make it longer than 5 minutes by simply tapping the plus sign.

Although this is not a fault of the app, but rather the limitations that Apple has on the iOS 6 SDK, it's important to note that in order for Rise Alarm Clock to be fully functional, you must have it running in the foreground before locking the screen. If you exit the app by pressing the home screen, you will receive a notification at the time you set the alarm for, instead. The good news is that the notification will play the sound that you selected and Rise will continue to send you notifications until you clear it out. When you "slide to snooze", Rise will open and the 5 minute snooze will activate. If you'd rather turn off the alarm, just swipe left or right.

The good

  • Gesture-based
  • Beautiful and relaxing colors
  • Great selection of calming sounds, or use your own music
  • Sound fades in when alarm goes off
  • Snooze option
  • Ability to snooze or turn off the alarm from the lock screen with a shake (iPhone only)
  • Fall asleep to music
  • Set as repeating alarm
  • Universal for iPhone and iPad

The bad

  • Only one repeating alarm can be set at a time

The bottom line

Rise Alarm Clock is an excellent alternative to the alarm clock available in Apple's built-in Clock app. It features a gorgeous gesture-based interface that is easy to use. Rise also includes a great selection of calming sounds to wake up to so that you can begin your day in a great mood.


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------- Yahoo Messenger : good_sellerprohere

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Transfer : US,UK,CA,AU,EU and very easy to cashout African

- 500$ for MTCN 8000$
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Will check with hight balance
Track1: 5232556061018719WYATT/ROBERTSON1007101171410000271000000
Track2: 5232556061018719=10071011000042400000
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- Us (Visa,Master) = 4$ per 1
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- Us fullz info = 25$ per 1
- Uk (Visa,Master) = 8$ per 1
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- Uk Bin 15$ , UK Dob 20$
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- Ca (Visa,Master) = 10$ per 1
- Ca (Amex,Dis) = 12$ per 1
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- Ca fullz info = 30$ per 1
- Au (Visa,Master) = 10$ per 1
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- Au Bin 17$ , AU Dob 20$
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- Eu (Visa,Master) = 20$ per 1
- Eu (Amex,Dis) = 23$ per 1
- Eu Bin 25$ , AU Dob 30$
- Eu fullz info = 40$ per 1
- Italy = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
- Spain = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
- Denmark = 25$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
- Sweden = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
- France = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
- Germany = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
- Ireland = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
- Mexico = 15$ per 1 (fullz info = 30$)
- Asia = 15$ per 1 (fullz info = 30$)

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all *** very good and fresh , work 100% with hight balance.
will change if *** not good or dont work.


- Bank Us : ( HALIFAX,BOA,CHASE,Wells Fargo...)
. Balance 6000$ = 500$
. Balance 8000$ = 600$
. Balance 12000$ = 800$
. Balance 15000$ = 1000$
. Balance 20000$ = 1200$

- Bank UK : ( LLOYDS TSB,BARCLAYS,Standard Chartered,HSBC...)
. Balance 10000 GBP = 700$
. Balance 12000 GBP = 800$
. Balance 16000 GBP = 900$
. Balance 20000 GBP = 1400$
. Balance 30000 GBP = 1600$

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********** Ship (Laptop/Iphone/Ipad) :

- The price of transportation of high-end electronics
= Laptop Apple = 250$
= Laptop HP + Dell = 140$
= Laptop Toshiba + Samsung = 140$
= Laptop Vaio = 200$
= Iphone 3GS = 130$
= Iphone 4G = 160$
= Iphone 4GS = 190$
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===> Transit time from 1 to 2 days
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= Account Paypal 1500$ = 150$
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= Account Paypal 4000$ = 300$
= Account Paypal 7000$ = 500$

( Email address + PayPal password ) fullz infomation
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******************** Business rule ********************

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1. With me I never give test free or Screenshot . Business with me , first is TRUST me , not trust don't contact

2. Payment's my rules work...

3. I always check and update new *** good and fresh every day

4. I will change *** if not good or dont work

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8. Hope you are best customer and we can to work a long time business

~~~~~~ Thanks all read my post ....... hope to see you soon ~~~~~~


------- Yahoo Messenger : good_sellerprohere
---- E-mail :

.................. See you soon ..................


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Facebook enters the wine business

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg

Keen to take advantage of the opportunity to trade on the world?s biggest social networking site, according to The Huffington Post, several US producers have put their wines up for sale via the Facebook gift store.

?It?s working really well and we?re excited to see where it could go,? Dwight Harrington, operations director at Blackbird Vineyards in the Napa Valley told the HP.

Whether Facebook?s attempt to make money from its one billion users will prove profitable for both the site itself and the wineries involved remains to be seen.

Facebook?s stock has had a tough time since the company went public in May as users are increasingly accessing the site from their smartphones, where there are fewer opportunities for revenue.

In a bid to tackle the problem, the new gifts section is available on the Facebook app for both the iPhone and Android.

Among the wines available to buy on Facebook are Robert Mondavi, Clos du Bois and Wild Horse, and all of which are owned by drinks giant Constellation.

Robert Mondavi wines are available to buy on Facebook

Robert Mondavi wines are available to buy on Facebook

One of the smaller producers on sale is Titus Vineyards in St Helena, which produces fewer than 10,000 cases a year.

?Social media is a hot issue in the wine industry right now, as we?re all trying to connect with the elusive Millenials, so what better way than to work with Facebook? It?s a huge exposure opportunity,? Titus? sales and marketing director Christopher Smith told the HP.

Prices for the wines on Facebook range from $15 to $100, excluding shipping.

Once an order is placed, the recipient is sent an email message. If they accept the gift and share their postal address with Facebook, the wine arrives at their door several days later.

However, complicated shipping rules in the US mean that wineries can only ship to the states where they are licensed, which can be as few as 16 or more than 30.

According to The Huffington Post, so far the wineries enrolled have yet to see a huge amount of interest in their wines on Facebook.

Blackbird Vineyards in Napa has been selling three to four orders a day, with each order ranging from one to three bottles,

?Companies that are selling gifts higher than the $5-$10 price point are seeing slower sales than they expected,? admitted the winery?s marketing manager Victoria Amato.

Blackbird originally planned to sell its wines on but pulled out because the site would have discounted its wines.

In contrast, Facebook sells wines at their recommended retail price.

With each wine sold, Facebook, the winery and ShipCompliant all get a percentage of the sale, but the share each receives will not be publicly disclosed.


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Monday, February 18, 2013

Tight security as Libya marks revolt anniversary | Morocco World News

BENGHAZI, Libya, Feb 17, 2013 (AFP)

Security forces were on high alert across Libya on Sunday as the north African nation marked two years since the start of the revolt that toppled Moamer Kadhafi after four decades of iron rule.

Borders have been closed and some international flights suspended amid fears of a new outbreak of violence.

The anniversary of the uprising that ended with Kadhafi?s killing in October 2011 comes as Libya?s new rulers battle critics calling for a ?new revolution? and accusing them of failing to usher in much-needed reforms.

On Friday, thousands of people gathered in the main cities of Tripoli and Benghazi to celebrate the initial February 15, 2011 protest that ignited the revolt two days later.

There is no official programme for Sunday?s anniversary, but the authorities have taken steps aimed at preventing any violence on a day when spontaneous celebrations are expected.

Libya?s borders with Egypt and Tunisia were closed from Thursday for four days, and all international flights have been suspended except at the airports of Tripoli and second city Benghazi ? the cradle of the ?February 17 revolution.?

Prime Minister Ali Zeidan said the measures were taken to avoid ?any bid to undermine Libya?s security and disrupt celebrations marking the anniversary of the revolution.?

Checkpoints have also been set up across the capital and in Benghazi.

Opposition groups are demanding that former Kadhafi regime officials be barred from holding public office, and a leaflet circulated in Tripoli calls for a ?popular revolt? and civil disobedience to bring down the current regime.

It is unclear who is behind the leaflet and the calls for protests, but Libyan officials and several organisations, including Islamic groups, accuse remnants of the former regime of fomenting protests to ?sow disorder and instability.?

The authorities have said special permits will be needed for ?peaceful protests,? and have threatened force against anyone who tries to derail anniversary festivities.

Residents of Benghazi ? which has been hit by Islamist-linked violence targeting international agencies and diplomatic missions ? have set up neighbourhood watches.

The city was rocked last September 11 by an assault on the US consulate there that killed US ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

?Security is one of the challenges the country faces, especially the proliferation of weapons and the escape of thousands of prisoners? during the revolution, political analyst Suleyman Azqim told AFP.

?The new authorities are faced with immediate social demands that prevent them from implementing medium- or long-term economic or security strategies.?

Despite Libya holding its first free elections in July last year, Azqim said the country is not yet politically mature after four decades of dictatorship under Kadhafi.

The fear of fresh violence is strong among both Libya?s dwindling foreign community and Libyans who have rushed to stock up on food and domestic gas.

?We must be ready. One never knows what can happen, particularly since there is no stability in the country and the government is unable to impose its authority,? said one, Murad Abuajila al-Majbri.



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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Gunmen shoot Sri Lanka investigative journalist

COLOMBO (Reuters) - Unidentified gunmen shot and seriously wounded a Sri Lankan investigative journalist, colleagues and officials said on Saturday, prompting condemnation from the United Nations' top human rights official.

Three unidentified gunmen entered a guest house where Faraz Shaukatally, who works at the Sunday Leader, was staying, broke into his room and opened fire, police said.

The journalist was on the telephone discussing a story to appear in this week's edition when he was shot, Sunday Leader Editor Sakunthala Perera said. The attack occurred on Friday, the paper said in its online edition.

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said she was deeply disturbed at the "attempted assassination" of a journalist working on a paper critical of the government. Britain also expressed serious concern at the shooting of the journalist, who holds joint British citizenship.

Political violence has eased since Sri Lanka's army crushed a three-decade Tamil separatist rebellion in May 2009, but international human rights groups say rule of law problems persist, including abductions and attacks on media and government critics.

Doctors at the Colombo National Hospital said Shaukatally, 52, was undergoing further tests before being admitted for surgery.

"The government's failure to prosecute those who have been responsible for attacks on media in the past has paved the way for this nature of incidents to continue," Sunil Jayasekera, secretary of the Free Media Movement, a Sri Lankan rights group, told Reuters.


An editor of the Sunday Leader was killed in January 2009 and other staff journalists have also been attacked, but no arrests have been made.

Pillay, who called on Sri Lankan authorities this week to allow international experts to help resolve issues of alleged wartime crimes, said she would report her concern about extra-judicial killings, abductions and the suppression of freedom of expression to the Human Rights Council.

"I'm deeply disturbed by this particular shooting because it's a journalist and he's attached to a newspaper which is known to be critical of the government, particularly on accountability and injustice issues," she told Britain's Channel 4 News.

She called for a thorough investigation and protection for Shaukatally. "It's an act of attempted assassination so he needs to be protected immediately," she said.

Britain also said it was shocked by the shooting.

"The Sri Lankan authorities must quickly identify who committed this crime and bring them to justice," Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt said.

"There has been a range of attacks in Sri Lanka on journalists, civil society organizations and others in recent years. To date, too many incidents have had little investigation and no resolution."

Sri Lanka's rights record has been subject to criticism over alleged excesses during the military's final phase in defeating Tamil Tiger separatists in May 2009. Rights groups say the military killed thousands of minority ethnic Tamil civilians in the final weeks of the conflict.

A report presented by a court of inquiry on Friday said the army did not shell civilians at the close of operations and blamed Tamil Tiger rebels for the deaths.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa's government has rejected allegations of mass killings.

(Additional reporting by Michael Holden in London; Editing by Shihar Aneez, Ronald Popeski and Jason Webb)


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Russian meteor blast had force of 300-kiloton nuclear warhead (+video)

Using sensors designed to detect rogue nuclear tests, scientists have learned more about the meteor that exploded over Russia. It was much bigger than they first thought.?

By Pete Spotts,?Staff writer / February 15, 2013

A meteor streaks through the sky over Chelyabinsk, Russia, Friday.



The meteor that exploded over the Ural Mountains in Russia Friday now appears to have been a small asteroid clearly unrelated to 2012 DA14, which flitted past Earth Friday afternoon.

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Initially, the Russian Academy of Science estimated the object's mass at about 10 metric tons (11 US tons). With more data in hand, researchers now say the object had a mass of 7,000 metric tons (7,700 US tons) and a diameter of about 50 feet.

The blast released energy comparable to a 300- to 500-kiloton nuclear warhead, says Bill Cooke, who heads the meteoroid environment office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Hunstville, Ala. By Comparison, the Nagasaki nuclear bomb had a yield of 20 to 22 kilotons.

The asteroid's breakup at an altitude some 12 to 15 miles above Russia's Chelyabinsk region represents the largest recorded asteroid encounter since 1908, when another asteroid or comet exploded over the Tunguska River in Siberia, leveling some 820 square miles of forest, says Paul Chodas, a scientist with the near-Earth object program at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif.

The shock waves from what appear to have been multiple blasts, perhaps triggered as large initial fragments underwent their own disruption, broke windows in the three major cities in the region, including Chelyabinsk. At least 950 people were injured, although most of the injuries were minor, according to reports from the area.

"What an amazing day for near-Earth objects. By an incredible coincidence we have two rare events happening on the very same day," Dr. Chodas said during a briefing Friday afternoon.

Asteroid 2012 DA14 set a record for the closest approach to Earth of an asteroid in its size class humans so far have detected. And the Chelyabinsk blast occurs on average once every hundred years, based on the revised size and mass estimate for the asteroid that triggered it.


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Movie review: 'Beautiful Creatures' takes the 'Twilight' formula higher ...

This film image released by Warner Bros Pictures shows Thomas Mann, left, and Emmy Rossum in a scene from "Beautiful Creatures." (AP Photo/Warner Bros. Pictures, John Bramley)

Review ? Adaptation of the popular young-adult novel, in which a teen witch finds love.

"Beautiful Creatures" may seem like another teen romance trying to capitalize on the rush of gothic love stories made popular by "Twilight." And in a way it is, shadowed by the clich?s you?d expect from an otherworldly "Romeo and Juliet": forbidden love between the magical and the mortal, epic showdowns between good and evil, and crushing heartbreak, all with an emo soundtrack.

But surprisingly, "Beautiful Creatures," which replaces "Twilight?s" sparkly vampires with witches, has more. It?s more mature and more literate, and in the end, more entertaining than any saga involving Team Edward and Team Jacob.



Beautiful Creatures

A teen witch falls for a mortal boy in this charming and sweet romance that?s a step above ?Twilight.?

Where ? Theaters everywhere

When ? Opened Thursday, Feb. 14

Rating ? PG-13 for violence, scary images and some sexual material

Running time ? 124 minutes

"Beautiful Creatures" reverses the roles. This time, it?s a 16-year-old boy named Ethan (Alden Ehrenreich) who?s the mortal falling for the mysterious creature, a 15-year-old witch named Lena (Alice Englert). Lena has just arrived at Ethan?s small South Carolina town and is immediately branded an outsider by the other high-school kids.

Ethan is attracted to her, and a romance erupts. But he soon learns that Lena is a "caster" who on her 16th birthday will undergo a "claiming" ritual that will determine if she?s a good or evil witch. Protecting her until that time is her uncle Macon (Jeremy Irons), who forbids her from dating a mortal for fear it would weaken her to the dark side.

But the real fun comes when Oscar winner Emma Thompson appears in essentially a dual role as the uptight Christian mother Mrs. Lincoln and the devilish Seraphine, Lena?s ethereal mother, who occasionally possesses Mrs. Lincoln?s body. Thompson clearly enjoyed slipping into the wildly different roles of the prissy Mrs. Lincoln and the wonderfully wicked Seraphine.

Director Richard LaGravenese, who adapted the popular young-adult novel the movie?s based on, has a lot of experience adapting romantic novels into films ("Water for Elephants," "P.S. I Love You"). With "Beautiful Creatures," he takes what could have been a maudlin, saccharine-sweet teen romance and turns it into something more charming.

Copyright 2013 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Hunter voted out as head of NBA players' union

Updated: February 16, 2013, 8:50 PM ET news services

HOUSTON -- Billy Hunter was ousted unanimously as executive director of the union by NBA players, who said Saturday they will "no longer be divided, misled, misinformed."

"This is our union and we have taken it back," National Basketball Players Association president Derek Fisher said.

Fisher said it was a day of change for the union, one that had seemed inevitable since a review of the union last month was critical of Hunter's leadership and urged players to consider whether they wanted to keep him.

They didn't.

"We want to make it clear that we are here to serve only the best interests of the players," Fisher said. "No threats, no lies, no distractions will stop us from serving our memberships."

More on

Billy Hunter's parting might be the biggest story in the NBA today, and nobody will talk about it, chiefly because there are too many teams of lawyers to count working on the situation, Henry Abbott writes. Blog

In brief remarks, Fisher said a new executive committee was elected, and he will remain as president. The Spurs' Matt Bonner is vice president, Miami's James Jones is secretary-treasurer and the Nets' Jerry Stackhouse is first vice president. The Clippers' Chris Paul and Willie Green, Golden State's Stephen Curry, Denver's Andre Iguodala, and the Hornets' Roger Mason, Jr. are vice presidents.

Hunter said he had "yet to receive any notification" of his firing.

"If accurate, it is indicative of the extremely troubling process followed by the NBPA during the past few weeks," he said in a statement. "During the days and weeks ahead, my legal team and I will begin carefully reviewing the actions taken and statements made against me in the meeting room in my absence. I look forward to gathering the evidence showing how certain individuals made sure the outcome was preordained."

Hunter had led the union since 1996, guiding the players through three collective bargaining agreements and helping bring their average salaries to more than $5 million, highest in team sports. But Fisher pushed for the review after a falling out between the two leaders, and though it found Hunter wasn't guilty of any criminal activity involving union funds, it cited him for a number of conflicts of interests and poor choices that led the players to remove him.

Commissioner David Stern was aware of the union's actions but had little comment.

"We await notification from the union as to who we should be dealing with because it has been a principle of faith with us that we will deal with whomever the union tells us to deal with," Stern said.

Released in January, the review conducted by the law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP criticized Hunter for hiring family members and friends. It said he knew his 2010 contract extension wasn't properly ratified by union rules, and raised questions about everything from travel expenses to the amount he spent on gifts.

Players acted quickly, putting Hunter on a leave of absence Feb. 1. He hoped to be invited to Saturday's annual meeting, which included about 35 players, superstar LeBron James among them.


Hunter In addition, given the legitimate legal and governance questions surrounding the eligibility of the members who voted and the adherence, or lack thereof, to the constitution and bylaws, I do not consider today's vote the end, only a different beginning.

? -- Billy Hunter

But Hunter's attorneys said their client was told he wouldn't be welcomed. They said his contract was legal and indicated there could be a lawsuit if the players removed him and attempted to withhold the more than $10 million that remains on his salary.

"We do not doubt that this process will possibly continue in an ugly way," said Fisher, who then reminded reporters that there are three ongoing government investigations into Hunter, likely the reason he didn't take questions after his remarks.

It's a swift fall for the 70-year-old Hunter, a former athlete who was well-respected by many players. But agents didn't like him, questioning his bargaining strategies, and they were frustrated they didn't have a bigger role in his union.

Hunter's family did, and that was another central issue of the report. He had since fired his daughter and daughter-in-law, and cut ties with a financial institution that employed his son. He also instituted an anti-nepotism policy at the NBPA.

Fisher, Paul, Bonner, Mason and Jones were holdovers from the previous executive committee. Stackhouse, who along with James was vocal during the meeting, joins Iguodala, Curry and Green among the newcomers.

Fisher and Hunter clashed during the 2011 lockout, and their fractured relationship divided the union. Hunter originally persuaded the executive committee to vote to request Fisher's resignation last year. Fisher did not resign and instead pushed for the outside review, which lasted more than eight months and cost the union more than $4 million.

The law firm reviewed NBPA documents and emails, and interviewed more than three dozen witnesses. It found that Hunter spent more than $100,000 on gifts for executive committee members -- including a watch worth more than $20,000 for Fisher before their falling out -- and accepted a payout of $1.3 million for unused vacation time when records made it unclear how his time off was kept.

Fisher remains president even though he isn't on an NBA roster, having asked the Dallas Mavericks for his release after a brief stint earlier this season. He gave no update on what would happen to the executive director position. Union attorney Ron Klempner was appointed to the position on an interim basis when Hunter was placed on leave.

"The current interim regime in control of the NBPA has set a terrible precedent for the union," Hunter said. "It violates every tenet of fairness upon which the union was founded. Now that this has occurred, I will continue to examine all of my options, including whether the fairness that was absent from the NBPA process might be available in a different forum.

"In addition, given the legitimate legal and governance questions surrounding the eligibility of the members who voted and the adherence, or lack thereof, to the constitution and bylaws, I do not consider today's vote the end, only a different beginning."

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.


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Jackson Jr.'s downfall tied to objects, not power

FILE - In this Oct. 16, 2011 file photo, Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr., D-Ill., attends the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington. For all the talk of Jesse Jackson Jr. aspiring to be a U.S. senator or mayor of the nation?s third-largest city, his career wasn?t ended by attempts to amass political power. Instead, it was the former congressman?s desire for flashy items like a gold-plated Rolex watch and furs, and collectibles, such as Eddie Van Halen?s guitar. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

FILE - In this Oct. 16, 2011 file photo, Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr., D-Ill., attends the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington. For all the talk of Jesse Jackson Jr. aspiring to be a U.S. senator or mayor of the nation?s third-largest city, his career wasn?t ended by attempts to amass political power. Instead, it was the former congressman?s desire for flashy items like a gold-plated Rolex watch and furs, and collectibles, such as Eddie Van Halen?s guitar. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

FILE - In this March 20, 2012, file photo taken in Chicago, then-Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill. speaks at a Democratic primary election night party. The former and his wife Sandra were charged Feb. 15, 2013, with spending $750,000 in campaign funds on personal expenses. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green, File)

(AP) ? For all the talk of Jesse Jackson Jr. aspiring to be a U.S. senator or mayor of the nation's third-largest city, his career wasn't ended by attempts to amass political power.

Instead, it was the former congressman's desire for flashy items ? a gold-plated Rolex watch, furs and collectibles, such as Eddie Van Halen's guitar.

In a state where stop-at-nothing political ambition has been well documented ? and often rewarded ? the seemingly frivolous cause of Jackson's undoing is seen by political observers and former colleagues as both nonsensical and sad.

"When you have a magic name like that, he was in position, waiting for the gun to go off, for mayor, the Senate ... he was playing with the big guys," said Paul Green, a longtime political scientist at Roosevelt University in Chicago who moderated Jackson's first congressional campaign debate. "To go down for this, you just feel sad."

Federal prosecutors on Friday charged Jackson Jr. with one count of conspiracy for allegedly spending $750,000 in campaign money on personal expenses. The Chicago Democrat's wife, former alderman Sandra Jackson, was charged with one count of filing false joint federal income tax returns.

Authorities say the returns, for the years 2006 through 2011, knowingly understated the income the couple received.

Both agreed to plead guilty in deals with federal prosecutors. Their sentencing dates have not been set, but the charges both carry possible sentences of several years in prison. Jackson Jr. also could be ordered to repay thousands of dollars in fines and forfeitures.

While former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich went to prison because he tried to trade President Barack Obama's U.S. Senate seat for a more prestigious job or millions in campaign donations, Jackson could go to prison for, in part, buying memorabilia tied to martial arts movie star Bruce Lee.

The son of a civil rights icon, Jackson represented Illinois' 2nd District, which includes part of Chicago's South Side and south suburbs, for 17 years. He was wildly popular in his heavily Democratic district, consistently winning elections with more than 80 percent of the vote.

Jackson served as national co-chair of Obama's presidential campaign in 2008 and had his eyes on becoming mayor or a senator. But those hopes were dashed when his name surfaced as part of the Blagojevich corruption investigation and with revelations that Jackson had been involved in an extramarital affair.

Jackson denied any wrongdoing in the Blagojevich matter, which involved unproven allegations that he was involved in discussions to raise campaign funds in exchange for being appointed to Obama's vacated U.S. Senate seat.

Suddenly last summer, Jackson disappeared from public view for several weeks. His staff eventually revealed he was being treated for bipolar disorder and other medical issues.

When Jackson resigned from office in November, he cited his bipolar disorder and acknowledged he also was under federal investigation. Sandi Jackson resigned from her Chicago alderman seat in January.

U.S. Rep. Danny Davis, who represents a neighboring district and visited Jackson Jr. shortly after his release from treatment at the Mayo Clinic, said the charges against the Jacksons "couldn't be more unfortunate."

"I think things probably just got out of hand for them and they got involved in making decisions that just didn't make a lot of good sense," Davis said.

Davis wondered whether the long list of luxury purchases mentioned in the federal criminal complaint were "an indication that his bipolar condition kind of was manifesting itself even then."

If so, he said, it's unfair to compare this situation to other Illinois corruption.

"It's hard to rationalize it," Davis said. "Not all elected officials in Illinois are corrupt or building any kind of political dynasty or trying to develop political power. Most individuals elected to public office are citizens who want to make the most effective use of themselves and make this world a better place in which to live."

Delmarie Cobb, a Chicago political consultant who worked on Jackson Jr.'s first campaign and was an aide to his father when he ran for president in 1988, said Saturday she was "absolutely astonished" by the news. She, too, believes Jackson Jr.'s actions were triggered by his bipolar disorder.

"It is just not the Jesse Jr. I knew," said Cobb, who's known Jackson Jr. since he was a senior in college and was present when he met Sandi.

"It's a very sad ending for everybody."


Associated Press writers Don Babwin and Tammy Webber contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ke$ha To Be Honored By Humane Society Of The United States

Global pop icon and committed animal advocate Ke$ha will receive the prestigious Wyler Award at The Humane Society of the United States? 2013 Genesis Awards Benefit Gala on Saturday, March 23, at The Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills.

Ke$ha To Be Honored By HSUS
Ke$ha To Be Honored By HSUS

The HSUS? Wyler Award is one of the animal protection organization?s highest honors and is bestowed on a celebrity or public figure for increasing awareness of animal issues via the media.

Humane Society International's first Global Ambassador for animals, Ke$ha balances her hectic career as a platinum recording singer/songwriter and one of the world?s most dynamic performers with her outspoken stance on critical animal protection issues. Ke$ha has spread the word about street dogs, the trophy hunting of endangered lions, shark-finning, Canada?s commercial seal slaughter, dogfighting and cruelty-free cosmetics, among many other important animal welfare concerns, highlighting a different animal issue each month on her website and urging her massive fan base and social media following to take action for animals. By talking about her role with The HSUS? international arm, Humane Society International, and her commitment to helping animals in numerous media interviews, she has brought worldwide attention to the cause.

?It means so much to me to be recognized by The Humane Society of the United States because advocating for animals is second nature to me,? said Ke$ha.?My affinity with animals and the natural world inspires me and my music. I don?t understand how anyone can justify abusing or exploiting animals, and as long as it continues, I intend to keep talking about it.?

?The animals have a bold and passionate ambassador in Ke$ha, who is not known for holding back on what she thinks,? says Beverly Kaskey, senior director of The HSUS? Hollywood Outreach and executive producer of The HSUS? Genesis Awards Benefit Gala. ?The Humane Society of the United States is grateful to Ke$ha for informing her millions of fans worldwide about new and ongoing threats to our fellow creatures, while connecting them to resources that enable them to take action.?

Global superstar Ke$ha has taken the world by storm since the release of her debut album ?Animal? in 2010. That year she was declared Billboard?s Hot 100 Artist and her smash debut single, ?TiKToK,? was named Billboard?s #1 Hot 100 Song, was the most played song of that year and was the biggest-selling digital track in the world. Her debut album ?Animal? has sold over 2.5 million units worldwide, and Ke$ha has had seven consecutive Top 10 hits including four #1 singles in ?TiKToK,? ?Your Love Is My Drug,? ?We R Who We R,? and the latest, ?Die Young.? Ke$ha recently released the track ?C?Mon,? the second single from her critically acclaimed second album, Warrior. Ke$ha has toured the world, playing over 200 live shows in support of ?Animal? and its companion album, ?Cannibal.? She took home the MTV EMA for Best New Act in November, 2010 and was nominated for two American Music Awards, three MTV VMA Awards and six Billboard Awards. She has performed on dozens of television programs all over the world, including MTV Europe Music Awards, Much Music Awards (Canada), Echo Awards (Germany), X Factor (Australia), American Music Awards, Billboard Awards, American Idol, Saturday Night Live and The Today Show Summer Concert Series. She has over 22 million Facebook likes, over three million Twitter followers and over 330 million views on VEVO. She has sold over 27 million combined tracks and ringtones in the U.S alone and over 34.5 million worldwide to date. Ke$ha is an international powerhouse.?Animal? has been certified Gold, Platinum or multi-Platinum in 15 markets (including Platinum in the United States) and was the biggest selling debut album from an international female in 2010 in the UK. In November, 2012, Ke$ha released her first book through Touchstone Publishing. The full-color photo journal/scrapbook entitled, ?My Crazy Beautiful Life,? sheds light on Ke$ha?s hectic, non-stop life on tour and provides an exclusive look into the creative process of her latest album, ?Warrior.? Also in late 2012,Ke$ha announced Ke$ha Rose by Charles Albert, a new jewelry line that reflects the singer?s distinctive personality throughout the collection.

The Wyler Award is named after former Broadway actress, animal advocate and founder of The Genesis Awards, Gretchen Wyler. Ke$ha joins Wyler Award alumni Sir Paul McCartney, Hayden Panettiere, Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi, Kristin Davis and Ian Somerhalder.

Honoring the news and entertainment media for their role in raising awareness of animal issues, The HSUS? Genesis Awards Benefit Gala marks 27 years of inspiring change for animals, with this year?s event benefitting three of the organization?s top animal welfare priorities: Pets for Life, Chimps Deserve Better and Farm Animal Protection.

The HSUS? 2013 Genesis Awards Benefit Gala is sponsored in part by Misix, One Car One Difference, Market Development Group, Prai Beauty Group, Tenet, and Havas Edge.


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Friday, February 15, 2013


-- This idea is based on the show Merlin, and this fanfiction I happened to stumble upon, about it. So I can not take the credit for the idea. --

For someone with so many secrets, Merlin doesn't think he's very good at lying. So agreeing to discuss his friendship with the Prince of Wales at University as part of a televised documentary is probably not a good idea. Juggling magic, Royal protocol, suave (and persistent) Dukes, a Princess with attitude, and a serious amount of coursework was only the start. Oh and then there was Arthur himself. Yeah, probably shouldn't mention much about that...

I wish I could request that you read the story before anything, but considering it is a fairly long read... well it's a bit impossible. Though I did happen to finish the first part of the series in less than a week, I was a tad bit obsessed, I s'pose.

This idea is as simple as the italic text above suggests. Merlin and Arthur reincarnated in a more modern society, specifically 2011. Though, in the fanfiction I mentioned, the first book is mostly flashbacks that Merlin experiences while being interviewed by none other than Morgause. But in this RolePlay I would like to cut out the idea of the interview, and just have it turned to the flashbacks.

One thing that will be majorly different from most Merlin and Arthur shows you will find is this; love. Of course, we all know that Merlin is all forever-alone and Arthur runs off to marry Guinevere. Well, prepare to have your socks knocked off because in this modern-world reincarnation of the two, there is love. Between Arthur and his lovely friend Merlin.

Both men attend the same college, Albion University, or more well known as AU. Though Arthur barely spares Merlin a glance, after all he is the Prince of Wales. Merlin shares a campus dorm with Gwen and Lance, whom have been dating ever since Lance got tired of hearing Gwen swoon over Arthur and finally kissed her. Arthur travels around to his various apartments[if you can call a ten room house an apartment], houses, and palaces.

So, yes. Since I can't make you read the book, I'm going to give a short run through of what happens. Ready? Go!

Chapter One
Nothing important!

Chapter Two
Merlin and Arthur embark on a school ski trip. Obviously Arthur has no care for Merlin being there; he doesn't even know the other student! And Merlin only knows Arthur is present because of the never-ending cheering of girls. Unfortunately, Merlin manages to run down a hill and slip... throwing himself right into Arthur. Which causes the body-guards to manhandle Merlin to his feet until Arthur finally decides to let him go.

Chapter Three and Four
Merlin ski's down the hill, or at least as much down the hill as he can get before pulling to a chairlift and getting on. Though just as it's about to take off an irresponsible prat decides to jump on with him. Guess who it is?, Arthur, obviously. His bodyguard Leon is on the chair behind him. Arthur and Merlin have a small fight before Merlin somehow slows time. This is when he realizes someone has an interest on Arthur's life, specifically on ending it. Time returns to normal and Merlin throws himself on top of Arthur, causing him to get shot instead of the Prince. This is when Arthur's "maternal" side kicks in and he starts screaming for someone to help him get Merlin down.

Chapter Five
Merlin awakes in the hospital, Arthur is beside him. Uther comes in a few moments later, almost demanding that Merlin attends the King's yearly Christmas party. Which consists of being there two days before Christmas, and then having to stay a few days after Christmas. Uther and Arthur depart, leaving a drugged and shot Merlin with Gwen and Lance.

Chapter Eight
Arthur goes to check on Merlin, who is in the room across from his. It's a guest room, typically, though it is never really used because it is so close to the Royal family. Apparently they made an exception for Merlin, since he'd just saved the Prince's life. Though Arthur finds Merlin struggling to clothe himself, and also finds that his suit isn't "good enough". Arthur fetches Merlin a better suit, and then even helps him get dressed since... well he'd gotten shot in the arm.

Chapter Nine
After spending a few hours alone, Merlin finds himself in a bit of a... predicament. Meaning he has to figure out how to tie a tie. Attempting to use magic to do it, he instead finds himself being choked by the tie. Arthur comes in in time and "saves" Merlin from his "idiot"ness.

Chapter Ten/Eleven/Twelve
Arthur, Merlin, and Gwain find themselves in a rather awkward situation during the Christmas party. As in Gwain is flirting unmercifully with Merlin, Arthur is getting very jealous[though he would never admit it], and Merlin finds himself in the middle of a "peaceful" war between the two. Obviously Arthur threatens Gwain when Merlin leaves to get drinks, saying that if he ever tries to touch the boy again that Arthur will kill him.

Alright, lucky for you guys this is a thirty-seven chapter book, I can't do this. Basically Arthur is a prattish prince and Merlin is his secretly-in-love-with-him-and-also-secretly-is-a-warlock best friend. Of course Arthur will probably end up doing something foolish and kiss Merlin, then say please forget about it, even though he secretly knows that he likes Merlin too. But yes, everything is up for changing and all that good stuff. Except for the FC's, the FC's have been picked out already. I was aiming for a onexone, though I suppose more characters could be included. GwenxLance could be included, and if we made a relationship up between MorganaxGwain we could include them too. :3 Though... yeah. It's all up for making up!

o//o now I'm nervous though, because I don't know if anyone will like this... I hope they do... I really want to do this... though playing Merlin may break my heart... I mean... just reading the story shattered my heart... but playing him? Terrible...

You can message me, or post here! Messaging is definitely preferred.. but I'll be stalking this too!


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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Synthetic marijuana linked to kidney damage

NEW YORK (AP) ? Health officials say synthetic marijuana has been linked to kidney damage in some teens and young adults.

Sixteen people who smoked synthetic marijuana were hospitalized with kidney problems last year in six states. All recovered but five of them needed dialysis.

Synthetic marijuana is plant material sprayed with chemicals that can mimic the high from marijuana. It's been tied to such health problems as a rapid heartbeat and seizures. This is the first report of kidney problems.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it's not known exactly what caused the kidney damage. Federal and state laws ban some of the chemicals used for synthetic marijuana.

A CDC report Thursday details the 16 cases in Oregon, Wyoming, Kansas, Oklahoma, New York and Rhode Island.



CDC report:


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The issue with Windows Phone 7.8 Live Tiles could be more problematic than first assumed

Windows Phone 7.8

We've previously looked at a?Live Tile issue on Windows Phone 7.8, but it seems as though the issue with the feature could be worse than we originally thought. Owners have complained that tiles are not updating correctly or are "bugging out" with massive amounts of data being utilised with consequences on the battery charge. This isn't good, especially when the Live Tiles are a major selling point of the OS.

According to Heathcliff, a well-known name in the Windows Phone homebrew community, the cause is on an OS level, not by resident developers. Three methods are available for apps to update Live Tiles, but two of the three options have been found to be bug-ridden or broken. Shell Tile Update was the only process found to be working correctly.

The first faulty method is known as a Shell Tile Scheduler, which is when an app retrieves an URL and displays the images on the tile. The second method is known as HTTP Notification Channel. This follows a similar path as the scheduler, but goes through Microsoft's notification servers.

Heathcliff notes that the second method listed is completely useless and is even shocked to learn it even passed quality assurance testing. We'll be looking at developers to take bug reports from users seriously when it comes to issues such as faulty Live Tiles. There's another problem with these rogue tiles - not all apps using the above methods will break, making it difficult to locate affected apps.

Heathcliff recommends consumers to be aware of any Live Tiles that may 'flicker' when pinned to the start screen, stating that it's a symptom of the app repeatedly attempting to updated and refresh the tile itself. Should an app be experiencing such behaviour, the best course of action is to un-pin it to prevent high data usage and battery drain.?

Results from our recent poll

We've noticed (along with other developers) that there's something wrong with Live Tiles on Windows Phone 7.8. Here's hoping that Microsoft follows these reports closely and takes a good look at issues highlighted by Heathcliff.

Have you experienced glitching Live Tiles and high data usage?

Source: WP7 Root Tools; via: Windows Phone Daily


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State of the Union address a bevy of optimistic promises

President Barack Obama delivered his State of the Union address on Tuesday, laying out his plans and perspectives for the future of the country.

From the looming sequestration and debt reduction to the importance of continued investments in education, Obama portrayed a demeanor that suggested the nation has been improving in recent years and will move forward.

But one point Obama made stood out ? bipartisan
arguing is a hindrance in the way of America?s growth. Quoting John F. Kennedy, he said, ?The constitution makes us not rivals for power but partners for progress.?

As he addressed the issues the country faces, it was clear it was in no way indicative of what will actually pass through a politically-charged, divisive legislature.

The looming sequestration and the debate over plans to reduce the deficit have been pushed off for far too long, and the never-ending debate just leads to further disputes and gridlock over the tax code.

Though Obama announced that to see growth of the middle class ?citizens must have access to the education and training that today?s jobs require,? it is likely that everything except defense will see budget cuts, when no one can agree on a deficit plan.

On the issue of immigration, Obama said, ?leaders from the business, labor, law enforcement and faith communities all agree that the time has come to pass comprehensive immigration reform.?

He may actually be on to something, as Republican
lawmakers are trying to change public perception of their party when it comes to immigration so they can
better attract Latinos to vote for them. ?

Of all of the hope-inspiring rhetoric that Obama uttered to the nation on Tuesday one thing stood out even more.

?The American people don?t expect government to solve every problem,? Obama said. ?They don?t expect those of us in this chamber to agree on every issue. But they do expect us to put the nation?s interests before party.?

It is true we expect the government to put the nation?s interests before party, but ? if the last session of congress was any indicator ? we also know that it would be foolish to expect that it will be done.



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Maldives ex-president in Indian embassy to avoid arrest

MALE (Reuters) - Former Maldives president Mohamed Nasheed took refuge in the Indian High Commission in the capital Male on Wednesday as police attempted to arrest him, raising the prospect of protests by supporters who say he was ousted a year ago in a coup.

Nasheed, the Maldives' first democratically elected leader, was removed from office in contested circumstances and his supporters have frequently clashed with security forces in the Indian Ocean archipelago, famous as a luxury tourist resort.

"Mindful of my own security and stability in the Indian Ocean, I have taken refuge at the Indian High Commission in Maldives," Nasheed wrote on his Twitter page.

Riot police barricaded the street outside the High Commission after Nasheed's arrival at noon, as his supporters began to gather.

India's External Affairs Ministry said in a statement that Nasheed had sought India's assistance and that the High Commission was in touch with Maldivian authorities.

A court ordered Nasheed's arrest after he missed a February 10 court appearance in a case relating to accusations that he illegally detained a judge during the last days of his rule, police spokesman Hassan Haneef said.

"We have received the order and we will be trying to carry it out in accordance with the Maldivian constitution and the order itself."

Imad Masood, spokesman for Maldives President Mohamed Waheed Hussain Manik, said the police would wait for Nasheed to come out. "If he doesn't come, then police will begin to talk to High Commission officials," he added.

Nasheed says he was forced from power at gunpoint after opposition protests and a police mutiny. A national commission last August said the toppling of his government was not a coup, a ruling that triggered several days of large demonstrations.

If he is found guilty in the court case, Nasheed could be barred from standing in a presidential election on September 7. His party says the trial is an attempt to exclude him from the contest and has challenged the court's legitimacy.

India said it had "expressed concern over the ongoing political instability in Maldives and called upon the government and all political parties to adhere strictly to democratic principles and the rule of law, thereby paving the way for free, fair, credible and inclusive elections".

The Maldives held its first free elections in 2008. Nasheed defeated Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who had ruled for 30 years and was accused by opponents and international human rights groups of running the country as a dictator.

(Reporting by J.J. Robinson in Male and Shihar Aneez and Ranga Sirilal in Colombo; Editing by Kevin Liffey)


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