Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Don't blame C-sections for fat children: study (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? Children born by Cesarean section are no more likely to become obese than if they are born vaginally, according to a Brazilian study.

Past research from Brazil had found a link between excessive weight and C-sections, leading some scientists to suggest that not being exposed to bacteria from the birth canal could make children fatter, but the latest findings -- published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition -- suggest this doesn't appear to be the case.

The research is of particular interest in Brazil, because in 2009 more than half of the babies there were born by C-section. In the United States, the number has been on the rise for years and is now over 30 percent.

"We thought from the beginning that probably what happened with the previous study is that they didn't adjust for all of the confounders," said Fernando Barros of the Catholic University of Pelotas, who worked on the study, referring to factors such as the mother's height and weight.

Barros and his colleagues used data on three groups of several thousand people born in Southern Brazil in 1982, 1993 or 2004.

Researchers contacted the children at different ages until the oldest had turned 23. Those born by C-section were more likely to be heavy, with obesity rates between nine and 16 percent, compared to rates of seven to 10 percent of children born vaginally.

However, that difference vanished once the researchers accounted for factors such as family income, birth weight, schooling and the mother's weight, height, age and smoking habits.

"When you factor in all of these other factors, the relationship between obesity and Cesarean sections disappears," said Barros.

The earlier Brazilian study left out many of those factors, including maternal height and weight, Barros's team wrote in its report.

"The really simple explanation would be that more obese women require more Cesarean sections than lean women... and it's really not the C-section itself," said David Ludwig, director of the Optimal Weight for Life Clinic at Children's Hospital, Boston, who was not involved in the study.

He said that things such as a pregnant woman's diet and smoking habits, and whether or not she has diabetes, might influence a developing fetus.

Some believe that C-section babies are different because they are not exposed to bacteria in the birth canal like babies born vaginally. The theory is part of a hypothesis which suggests that a person's immune system develops differently when they're not exposed to beneficial bacteria early in life.

"We're not saying this hypothesis is not interesting. It is. We're just saying, right now, without data, we cannot confirm the finding," Barros said. SOURCE: http://bit.ly/zjs00B

(Reporting from New York by Andrew Seaman; editing by Elaine Lies)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/parenting/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120130/hl_nm/us_c_section

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Actor who played 'Seinfeld's' Mr. Pitt dies

Getty Images

Ian Abercrombie played Mr. Pitt on

By Todd Cunningham, TheWrap.com

Ian Abercrombie, the classically trained British stage actor best known to American TV audiences as Elaine Benes' nutty boss Mr. Pitt on "Seinfeld," died of a heart attack Thursday in Los Angeles. He was 77.

Abercrombie appeared on several other U.S. TV shows. He played the 800-year-old Professor Crumbs on "Wizards of Waverly Place and a butler on "Desperate Housewives," and made guest appearances on "Twin Peaks," "Dynasty" and "Days of Our Lives."

He appeared in a number of movies, including "Stalag 17," "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" and "The Prisoner of Zenda," with Peter Sellers.

He did voiceover work in "Star Wars: The Clone Wars," "Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties" and "Rango," and had completed "Green Lantern" for the Cartoon Network just before he died.

As Mr. Pitt in Seinfeld, he was known for his obsession with socks and quirky habits like eating candy bars with a knife and fork.

He is survived by his wife, Gladys.

Do you remember Abercrombie as an actor? What was your favorite scene? Tell us on Facebook.

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Source: http://theclicker.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/01/30/10270854-actor-who-played-seinfelds-mr-pitt-dies

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Key dates in Greece's debt crisis (AP)

ATHENS, Greece ? A look at key dates in Greece's financial crisis.

Oct. 4, 2009 ? George Papandreou's Socialists win landslide general election victory, ending five and a half years of conservative rule. He is sworn in as prime Minister two days later.

Oct. 18, 2009 ? Government reveals that the budget deficit is set to rise to at least 12 percent of the country's gross domestic product, double the previous government's estimate. The shortfall eventually reached 15.6 percent of GDP.

Dec. 8, 2009 ? Fitch Ratings downgrades Greece's credit rating from A- to BBB+. Bond grades from the three major agencies eventually reached junk status.

March 3, 2010 ? Greece announces a major austerity plan ? with many more to follow ? increasing VAT and tax on cigarettes and alcohol, and freezing pensions and curbing civil servants' pay.

April 23, 2010 ? Prime Minister, speaking on the tiny Aegean Sea island of Kastelorizo calls for the activation of the eurozone-IMF rescue package, as Greece is unable to cope with rising borrowing costs.

April 27, 2010 ? Standard & Poor's slashes Greece's long-term credit ratings by three notches from BBB minus to BB plus, or junk status and warns debt holders that they only have an average chance of between 30 to 50 percent of getting their money back in the event of a debt restructuring or default. Portugal's long-term credit ratings are also reduced by two notches, from A plus to A minus, as other peripheral eurozone markets come under pressure.

May 2, 2010 ? Eurozone finance ministers agree to rescue Greece with euro110 billion in loans over three years.

May 5, 2010 ? In a day of mass protests and rioting, three people are killed after being trapped in a burning bank.

May 10, 2010 ? European officials agree on $1 trillion rescue package to protect the euro currency union.

May 18, 2010 ? Greece receives euro14.5 billion in bailout loans, just in time to meet a crucial debt refinancing deadline.

Jun 14, 2010 ? Moody's slashes Greece's government bond ratings by four notches to Ba1 from A3, with a stable outlook for the next 12-18 months. It is the second of the three major agencies to accord Greek bonds junk status. Standard & Poor's did the same in late April.

July 8, 2010 ? Unions stage their sixth general strike of the year ? halting public transport and services, stopping ferry departures and closing schools, newspapers, courts and public hospitals.

July 13, 2010 ? Greece successfully raises euro1.25 billion ($1.62 billion) in its first debt auction since receiving international bailout loans. The sale of 26-week treasury bills is oversubscribed 3.64 times, at an interest yield of 4.65 percent.

August 5, 2010 ? The IMF and EU say Greece has made "remarkable" progress implementing an austerity program to tackle its debt crisis and is expected to receive the second installment of rescue loans, worth euro9 billion in September. They warn that the country still faces significant challenges.

August 12, 2010 ? Official data show that Greece's recession deepened in the second quarter and unemployment has skyrocketed. GDP in the second quarter of 2010 shrank 3.5 percent from a year earlier, while the jobless rate was 12 percent at end-May, up from 8.5 percent a year earlier.

Nov. 14, 2010 ? Greece's Socialists emerge the winners of local government election runoffs, despite a record low turnout and renewed pressure on the crisis-hit nation to impose a new round of drastic spending cuts.

Dec. 15, 2010 ? Rioters clash with police across central Athens, smashing cars and hurling gasoline bombs during a nationwide labor protest against austerity, in the seventh general strike of the year.

Jan 14, 2011 ? Fitch cuts Greek debt by one notch, from BBB- to BB+, or junk status.

Feb 21, 2011 ? Greece unveils legislation to reduce tax evasion as part of reforms agreed in return for the euro110bn bail-out by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

Apr 23 ? European Commission data shows the Greek budget deficit jumped to 13.6 per cent of gross domestic product in 2009. This is almost a full percentage point higher than the Greek government's projection of 12.7 per cent.

May 24 ? The Greek government announces that it would sell stakes in state-controlled companies and form a sovereign wealth fund, to stem criticism that it has dragged its feet on measures to raise revenue and cut spending.

May 25, 2011 ? Protesters against the government's policies occupy Athens' Syntagma square, facing the Parliament. An encampment is set up and daily demonstrations and "people's assemblies" take place. The protests fizzle out after authorities dismantle the encampment on July 30.

Jun 17, 2011 ? Facing increasing discontent within his own ruling socialists, prime minister George Papandreou replaces finance minister George Papaconstantinou with his main party rival, Evangelos Venizelos, hoping to pass a tough, euro28 billion austerity bill to stave a default.

Jun 29, 2011 ? Parliament passes the euro28 billion austerity bill in the face of two days of violent protests during which some 300 protesters and police are injured. The package contains severe spending cuts and tax increases. The European Union had set passage of the bill as a precondition for further aid.

July 3, 2011 ? European finance ministers agree to release a vital euro8.7 billion installment of aid money for Greece but postponed a decision on a second bailout. Without the money, plus euro3.3 billion which the IMF board authorized a few days later, Greece would have defaulted on its massive debts within days, becoming the first developed country in 60 years to do so.

July 21, 2011 ? Eurozone leaders grant Greece a massive new bailout and radically reshape the currency union's rescue fund, allowing it to act pre-emptively when crises build up. The eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund say they will provide Greece with euro109 billion on top of the euro110 billion granted in May 2010. Banks and other private investors are to contribute some euro37 billion to the rescue package until 2014.

July 25, 2011 ? Moody's cuts Greece's rating by three notches to Ca ? one above what it considers a default rating. The credit rating agency warns that it's almost inevitable that Greece will be considered to be in default of its debts, as the second bailout package implies "substantial" losses for private creditors.

Sept. 1, 2011 ? Disagreements over Greece's massive budget deficits and how to make up for the funding shortfalls lead international debt inspectors to suspend their review and leave Athens. Their departure will lead to a 3-month delay in the disbursement of the 6th installment from the original bailout package. Finance minister Venizelos warns an even deeper recession will hurt Greece's deficit-cutting efforts.

Oct 2 ? The finance ministry announces Greece will not meet the 2011 and 2012 deficit targets agreed with the international lenders. It estimates the 2011 deficit at 8.5 percent of GDP instead of the targeted 7.8 percent and the 2012 deficit at 6.8 percent instead of 6.5 percent. It blames the deviation to a deeper recession than forecast. Later, it will revise the 2011 deficit to 9.5 percent.

Oct 19 ? Greek lawmakers approve the country's latest austerity package, including new tax hikes, further pension and salary cuts, the suspension on reduced pay of 30,000 public servants and the suspension of collective labor contracts.

Passage of the bill was a precondition for more money from the euro110 billion bailout package.

The bill passes in the face of violent demonstrations in which over 100,000 Greeks take part.

Oct 27 ? European leaders reach a deal with Greek debtholders that would see private investors take a 50 per cent cut in the face value of their bonds, a deep haircut that officials believe will reduce Greek debt levels to 120 per cent of gross domestic product by the end of the decade.

The agreement, struck after nearly 11 hours of talks at a summit of eurozone leaders, includes a new euro130bn bail-out of Greece by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

Nov. 3

? Greece is in turmoil and the world economy in limbo as a high-stakes game of political brinkmanship in Athens leads Prime Minister George Papandreou to abandon his explosive plan to put a European rescue deal to a referendum.

Capping a day of extreme political turbulence in Athens, Papandreou tells his socialist colleagues that there is no need for a referendum after the conservative opposition promises to support the terms of a euro130bn bail-out from the European Union, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund.

Nov 4 ? Papandreou survives a crucial vote of confidence in parliament, but a group of senior socialists call for a government of national unity to be formed quickly under a new leader.

Nov 5 ? The leaders of Greece's two largest political parties decide to form a government of national unity to start implementing a euro130bn bail-out plan, then take the country to elections.

Nov 11 ? Lucas Papademos, a former central banker, is sworn in as Prime Minister of a government supported by the socialists and two conservative parties.

Nov 16, 2011 ? Papademos wins confidence vote in parliament. First meeting with International Institute of Finance Managing Director (IIF) Charles Dallara, who represents Greece's private creditors.

Jan 28, 2012 ? Greece and investors who own its bonds reach a tentative deal to significantly reduce the country's debt and pave the way for it to receive a much-needed euro130 billion bailout.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/eurobiz/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120129/ap_on_bi_ge/eu_greece_financial_crisis_timeline

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Biden: GOP candidates promoting Bush-era policies (AP)

ROCHESTER, N.H. ? Republican presidential hopefuls are blatantly focused on advancing economic policies that favor the wealthy over most Americans, giving voters in the 2012 election a clear choice, Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday.

Biden told reporters there's no discussion in the Republican campaign about compassionate conservatism, or wanting to save Medicare or education as in past campaigns.

"The reason I think this race is going to be so clear is that for the first time in my career, Republicans aren't hiding the ball," he said.

"They're putting forward a political philosophy that is absolutely straight-forward... The way it's going to work is to not only keep the tax cuts for the wealthy but increase tax cuts for the wealthy, and the way to move forward is to deregulate Wall Street."

Biden said Republicans want to "unshackle" businesses by eliminating regulations, but doing so would shift risk to the average American instead. He argued that reasonable regulation of business and Wall Street is necessary.

Biden was making his seventh trip to New Hampshire as vice president. Obama carried New Hampshire in the 2008 general election, but the state is expected to be heavily contested in the fall.

On Thursday, Biden spoke to employees of Albany Engineered Composites and Safran USA, two companies that used a labor department grant to design a training program with Great Bay Community College to help workers acquire advanced manufacturing skills. He cited the program as an example of the Obama administration's efforts to encourage companies to expand in the United States rather than of overseas.

"Our job is to encourage," he said. "The government doesn't produce jobs, it produces incentives," he said.

Biden said after years of economic distress, "Americans are tired of being tired," and added that he's tired as well.

"I am tired of the naysayers. I'm tired of people telling me America isn't going to come back," he said. "We start off better positioned than any nation in the world to be the dominant economic force of the 21st century."

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/gop/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120126/ap_on_el_pr/us_biden_gop

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Gingrich reveals income, but not how he earned it (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich beat his main GOP presidential rival, Mitt Romney, to the punch by releasing his most recent tax return. But Gingrich still hasn't revealed how he earned most of his $3.1 million.

The 2010 tax return made public last week shows that $2.4 million, more than three-fourths of Gingrich's income, came in payments he regularly received, in addition to his salary, from different businesses he ran before announcing his candidacy for president. Those businesses managed speaking engagements, appearance fees, consulting work, book and video deals and paid positions that Gingrich held in other groups.

Gingrich, who has demanded more transparency from Romney, doesn't identify where the money came from, including amounts he received from his consulting business.

The Associated Press requested details about Gingrich's income and the identities of who paid him for his services. The campaign has not decided whether it will release further information about Gingrich's income, spokesman R.C. Hammond said.

Other GOP presidential candidates, including Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, have provided details of such income. Romney's financial reports filed last year and his 2010 tax return released this week specify groups that paid him for appearances and how much he received. Santorum, who has yet to release his tax return, lists on a financial report the businesses that paid him as a consultant, payments he received serving on specific boards and activist groups, and money he earned as a FOX News contributor and a newspaper columnist.

The way Gingrich has earned a living in recent years has become an avenue for political attack by Romney. Romney charges that the $1.65 million Gingrich received from the government-backed mortgage company Freddie Mac from 1999 to 2007 was for influence peddling, which Gingrich has denied. Romney also has demanded that Gingrich identify other clients who paid for his services and what he did for them, accusing Gingrich of "potentially wrongful activity."

"If you're getting paid by health companies, if your entities are getting paid by health companies that could benefit from a piece of legislation, and you then meet with Republican congressmen and encourage them to support that legislation, you can call it whatever you'd like. I call it influence-peddling," Romney told Gingrich.

Gingrich has accused Romney of attacking his consulting work out of political desperation, hoping to stifle Gingrich's rising popularity among GOP voters. Gingrich said he has never been a lobbyist.

But he is battling the perception that he was selling his influence, if not actually lobbying, as he campaigns to win Florida's GOP presidential primary on Tuesday. Gingrich has said he was exercising his rights as a citizen, not a lobbyist, in 2003 when he publicly advocated changes in Medicare. And he's argued that he and his group, which received millions from dozens of health-related businesses, made sure not to cross the line into lobbying when he met with congressional members and others to promote the Medicare changes sought by then President George W. Bush.

A liberal-leaning watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, is urging a federal investigation of Gingrich's activities.

"Mr. Gingrich's claim that he simply engaged in `public advocacy' doesn't pass the smell test," said Melanie Sloan, the group's executive director. "Mr. Gingrich was a lobbyist, and he should not be allowed to play word games with the American people."

To make its case that Gingrich was lobbying, Sloan's group cites the Lobbying Disclosure Act, which defines a lobbyist as someone who receives payment for services from a client, makes more than one lobbying contact for the client on an issue and spends at least 20 percent of their time in a three-month period on lobbying activities. A lobbying contact is defined as communication on behalf of a client regarding "the formulation, modification or adoption of federal legislation."

Gingrich's tax return doesn't show how much money he received as a consultant working through his Gingrich Group and his Center for Health Transformation. The center urges changes to health-related policies and laws, practices and technology but says it "does not provide lobbying services nor directly or indirectly participate in lobbying activities of any kind." Instead, all of Gingrich's income is lumped together as $2.4 million in payments from Gingrich Holdings, a sort of parent company managing his interests in other businesses.

The Center for Health Transformation served more than 100 companies in 2010, with some paying as much as $200,000 a year to join Gingrich's organization. While the center has said it generated $55 million from hundreds of corporate sponsors from 2001 to 2010 with Gingrich leading the effort, it said it won't release a list of clients due to confidentiality clauses in its contracts.

Last year as he prepared for the presidential run, Gingrich sold his interest in the Gingrich Group and the Center for Health Transformation. He hasn't said how much he received in the buyout, but his financial disclosure form shows his Gingrich Productions is owed between $5 million and $25 million from the Gingrich Group.

Gingrich's tax return also doesn't show how much he received from his Fox News contract as a frequent on-air contributor. That contract was managed by Gingrich Communications, a business that handles his appearances and speaking engagements.

Last fall when Gingrich was first denying ever working as a lobbyist, he told a South Carolina audience that he didn't need to walk the halls of Congress to make a living because of the bounty he received in speaking fees.

"I'm going to be really direct, OK? I was charging $60,000 a speech. And the number of speeches was going up, not down," he said.

Gingrich has not identified the groups that paid him for those speeches.

Gingrich also continued to earn money as an author, although it's not clear how much of his earnings came from payments received by Gingrich Communications from his books.

While the $2.4 million in Gingrich's business payments are not detailed, the tax return does identify more than $712,000 of other income:

_$252,500 for his salary from Gingrich Holdings;

_$191,827 for his wife's salary from Gingrich Productions and $5,918 from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington as a member of the church's professional choir;

_$76,200 for his congressional pension;

_$72,274 from his share of his daughter's business;

_$38,637 for dividend and interest payments;

_$33,124 in tax refunds;

_$21,625 in speaking fees paid directly to Gingrich and not his businesses;

_$20,000 for him and his wife for serving on boards of directors. The boards are not identified.


Follow Blackledge on Twitter: http://twitter.com/brettblackledge

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/gop/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120126/ap_on_el_pr/us_gingrich_income

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'30 Rock' star back at work after hospitalization (AP)

SALT LAKE CITY ? Comedian and "30 Rock" cast member Tracy Morgan is back at work in New York after a brief hospitalization in Utah, his publicist said Wednesday.

"He appreciates everyone's support and concern," Lewis Kay said in an email to The Associated Press.

The actor was hospitalized Sunday while attending the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, where the elevation is 7,000 feet.

Kay said Morgan suffered from exhaustion and altitude. Morgan also has diabetes.

Morgan posted a comment on Twitter from the hospital Monday, saying the high altitude "shook up this kid from Brooklyn."

"Superman ran into a little kryptonite," he quipped.

The hospital found no drugs or alcohol in Morgan's system, Kay said.

Recordings of 911 calls made on the night he collapsed, which were obtained by the AP, indicate Morgan passed out at the Blue Iguana restaurant.

"I don't know if he's been drinking," said one caller, who added that Morgan had vomited. He also said the actor was unconscious and had been loaded into the backseat of a taxi, ready to be rushed to a hospital. However, the dispatcher told the caller to remain there and wait for an ambulance.

Other callers told the dispatcher Morgan had a high fever and was breathing slowly.

"It's actually a celebrity. He has a high fever," said one caller.

An ambulance arrived a short time later and took Morgan to a nearby hospital. He was released a day later.


Associated Press writer Jennifer Dobner contributed to this report.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/entertainment/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120126/ap_en_ot/us_film_sundance_tracy_morgan

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Video: Chevy Volt's Battery Investigation

CNBC's Phil LeBeau has the story on GM CEO Dan Ackerson's appearance before the House Oversight Committee to answer questions about the Chevy Volt's battery investigation.

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Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/cnbc/46132451/

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Summary Box: Kimberly-Clark 4Q profit drops (AP)

THE PERFORMANCE: Kimberly-Clark Corp. reported fourth-quarter earnings of $1.01 per share on revenue of $5.18 billion. Adjusted earnings were $1.28 per share. Analysts polled by FactSet expected earnings of $1.30 per share on revenue of $5.21 billion.

NORTH AMERICA WOES: The company continues to see soft demand in North America as high unemployment and uncertain economic conditions keep many consumers buying the basics on an as-needed basis. Sales of personal care items fell 5 percent in the region during the quarter.

THE GUIDANCE: Kimberly-Clark anticipates 2012 adjusted earnings between $5 and $5.15 per share. Analysts predict earnings of $5.23 per share.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/earnings/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120124/ap_on_bi_ge/us_earns_kimberly_clark_summary_box

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

South Carolina Primary Election 2012: Newt Gingrich Wins Most Delegates

WASHINGTON ? Newt Gingrich won most of the delegates in South Carolina's Republican presidential primary Saturday, narrowing Mitt Romney's lead in the race for delegates to the party's national convention this summer.

Gingrich, the former House speaker, has won at least 19 delegates, with six left to be awarded.

These are the first delegates Gingrich has won in a primary or caucus. In all, Gingrich has 21 delegates, including endorsements from Republican National Committee members who will automatically attend the convention. Romney has a total of 33 delegates.

South Carolina Republicans award 11 delegates to the statewide winner and two delegates to the candidate who gets the most votes in each of the state's seven congressional districts. Gingrich was the statewide winner and he won at least four congressional districts.

The race for delegates is still in the early stages. Only 62 delegates were at stake in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, combined. It will take 1,144 delegates to win the GOP nomination.

Up next: Florida on Jan. 31. Florida Republicans will award all 50 of their delegates to the statewide winner.

The Associated Press calculates the number of national convention delegates won by candidates in each presidential primary or caucus, based on state and national party rules. Most primaries and some caucuses are binding, meaning delegates won by the candidates are pledged to support that candidate at the national convention this summer.

Political parties in some states, however, use local caucuses to elect delegates to state or congressional district conventions, where national delegates are selected. In these states, the AP uses the results from local caucuses to calculate the number of national delegates each candidate will win, if the candidates maintain the same level of support.

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/21/south-carolina-primary-election-2012-newt-gingrich-delegates_n_1221388.html

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No time to play nice for US women's soccer team

Amy rodriguez Heidy Salazar


updated 7:49 p.m. ET Jan. 21, 2012

VANCOUVER, British Columbia - It's hard not to look like a bully when the final score is 14-0. The U.S. women's soccer team had never beaten anyone that badly, not even in the days of Mia Hamm, Michelle Akers, Julie Foudy and Brandi Chastain.

But this is no time for sympathy. This wasn't a friendly; this was the first game of qualifying for the London Olympics. The non-competitive blowout of the Dominican Republic on Friday night left no doubt whatsoever that the Americans have banned complacency from the roster.

"We want to qualify for the Olympics," coach Pia Sundhage said. "And that's what comes back all the time. This is important. We care every single game and every single goal. And if we can keep that and not take anything for granted ? like we almost did when we tried to qualify for the World Cup ? if we can keep that feeling, we will win the next game."

The shock to the system was a qualifying loss to Mexico in late 2010 that threw a huge detour into the Americans' route to last year's World Cup. It remains the only defeat for the U.S. team in 34 games of Olympic or World Cup qualifying.

So when the score was 7-0 at halftime Friday night, forward Abby Wambach wasn't satisfied. She's concerned the Americans might need a win a tiebreaker based on goal differential to get a more favorable matchup in the semifinals. She told her teammates to score more goals.

"It's not easy to beat a team 14-0, quite frankly," Wambach said. "But at the end of the day we needed to make sure and secure the goal differential. That's what's been on my mind all night."

It would seem the mission is accomplished. Soccer teams just don't win games by two touchdowns, not at this level. The previous record tally for the U.S. team was set back in 1991, with 12-0 wins over Mexico and Martinique in a pair of World Cup qualifiers.

But the BC Place crowd couldn't help but feel sorry for the Dominicans. They started cheering any accomplishment, no matter how small, by the underdogs ranked 88th in the world. The Americans could only do such much: You can't pull all the starters in a sport that only allows three substitutes. Besides, Sundhage wants her players honing their technical skills for the tougher games that lie ahead.

"You can literally put your foot on the ball and stop playing," Wambach said. "Or respect the game, respect your opponents and keep playing soccer. It's a hard balance. We don't want to put Dominican in a position where they feel bad about themselves. We want them to know that they have an opportunity to learn something as well. It's not easy."

There are eight teams in Vancouver vying for two CONCACAF berths for the London Games, but only four arrived in Canada with any sort of a realistic shot. Four games into the tournament, the score between the haves and have-nots was 27-0 ? the United States, Canada, Mexico and Costa Rica were unblemished against Haiti, Cuba, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic.

Essentially, the tournament serves to see whether Mexico and Costa Rica can swipe one or both Olympic berths favored to go to the U.S. and Canada. Sundhage, therefore, was asked whether the field is too big, given the embarrassment the Dominicans had just endured.

"No. I think it's a wonderful experience for all of us to be here," said Sundhage, who went on cite the value in giving developing teams more chances to travel and play games in high-profile tournaments.

Goalkeeper Hope Solo said she hopes the experience will enlighten the Dominicans so that they will "continue to put money into their federation and continue to grow women's soccer."

The Americans, meanwhile, spent Saturday preparing for what should be another overmatched opponent. They play 85th-ranked Guatemala on Sunday before wrapping up group play with a marquee game against Mexico on Tuesday.

But even one-sided games have their perils. Starting right back Ali Krieger tore the ACL and MCL in her right knee in the first half and is likely to miss the Olympics. The 27-year-old Krieger played every minute of all six games at last year's World Cup.

Losing Krieger will hurt, but the U.S. has one of the few teams deep enough to absorb such a blow. When Krieger left the game, she was replaced by Heather Mitts ? who earned her 119th international cap and would be a regular starter for most any other team in the world.

"It's really hard to make the team right now," Sundhage said. "We have so many good players. I think this is the best ? if you look at individuals ? the best team I've ever had since (becoming U.S. coach in) 2008."


Joseph White can be reached at http://twitter.com/JGWhiteAP

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


Source: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/46083719/ns/sports-olympic_sports/

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Lobbying outlays bounce back (Politico)

Lobbying spending by the nation?s most prominent political influencers largely rebounded during last year?s fourth quarter, in part reflecting aggressive special interest campaigns concerning health, trade, employment, energy, telecom and technology issues, a POLITICO analysis of new federal disclosures indicates.

Companies and organizations such as Google, Verizon, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Southern Co., Business Roundtable, National Association of Realtors, Comcast, Time Warner Cable and CTIA-The Wireless Association all posted larger lobbying numbers than they did during both the preceding quarter and the same period one year before.

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Upstart influence operations run by companies such as Facebook, meanwhile, also reported markedly increased federal lobbying investments.

In all, 17 of the nation?s top 50 biggest-spending lobbying entities, as calculated by the Center for Responsive Politics based on third-quarter federal lobbying spending, exceeded their fourth-quarter 2010 and third-quarter 2011 output. Another 24 entities saw their spending in last year?s fourth quarter jump compared with one of the two periods.

And more than three-fifths of these top 50 entities spent more for all of 2011 than they did in 2010, according to POLITICO?s analysis.

Following the pitched battles in 2009 and 2010 over health care and financial reform, as well as energy and climate change legislation, overall federal lobbying activity stalled during much of 2011.

But the ill-fated congressional supercommittee, coupled with several high-profile legislative fights late last year, helped change matters.

Overall, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce spent more on lobbying during the fourth quarter ? $14.25 million ? than any other, according to fourth quarter disclosure reports, which lobbying entities had to submit by Friday night.

The Chamber, while well off its mark from the nearly $51 million it spent during the fourth quarter of 2010, spent about as much in the fourth quarter of 2011 as it did in the quarter before. It voluntarily includes state-level and grassroots lobbying efforts in its reports.

?Our lobbying figures represent an aggressive effort to advance our jobs agenda, which we rolled out around Labor Day. This includes our support for the three free trade agreements, which passed during the fall,? Chamber spokesman J.P. Fielder said. ?With the economy still facing strong headwinds, we?re continuing to aggressively push our pro-growth agenda this year. This encompasses a myriad of issues, from expanding energy production in order to drive down costs and create jobs, to supporting legislation that shuts down rogue websites and protects jobs.?

The Business Roundtable, which represents the chief executives of top U.S. companies, spent nearly $3.9 million during the fourth quarter ? about 27 percent more than in the third quarter and nearly 75 percent more compared with the fourth quarter of 2010.

?Our overall effort was to support policies that promote economic growth and job creation including the three trade agreements ? Colombia, Panama, South Korea ? work on fundamental corporate tax reform, extension of the research and development tax credit, work on various regulations ? and cyber security legislation,? said Larry Burton, the Business Roundtable?s executive director.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/politics/*http%3A//us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/external/politico_rss/rss_politico_mostpop/http___www_politico_com_news_stories0112_71761_html/44255660/SIG=11m73ea56/*http%3A//www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71761.html

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Arizona sting catches 2 officials in drug smuggling (Reuters)

PHOENIX (Reuters) ? A U.S. Border Patrol agent and an Arizona jailer trapped in a sting operation have been arrested on charges they conspired to help traffickers smuggle drugs from Mexico, authorities said on Friday.

Ivhan Herrera-Chiang, 29, a Border Patrol agent in Yuma, Ariz., and Michael Lopez-Garcia, 28, a corrections officer at the Arizona State Prison Complex in San Luis, Ariz., were arrested on Thursday, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Arizona said.

They are accused of conspiring to help traffickers smuggle drugs from Mexico into far western Arizona between September 2010 and January 2012.

The two officials were fingered by a confidential informant working for a drug- and human-smuggling network in Mexico, according to the criminal complaint.

If convicted, they face a maximum penalty of life in prison, a $10 million fine, or both.

The informant told federal investigators the organization used a "middleman" to work with a corrupt Border Patrol agent, identified by the underworld tag "La Mujer" or the "The Woman."

Investigations subsequently identified Lopez as the go-between and Herrera as The Woman. Evidence was gathered against both officials using phone taps, surveillance from a helicopter, and dummy loads of cocaine and methamphetamine.

The complaint alleges Herrera provided information including the identities of confidential informants and maps showing the locations of sensors on the border, to which he had access as a member of a Border Patrol intelligence unit.

Authorities say Lopez's role included smuggling two pounds of methamphetamine through a border crossing, guiding cocaine traffickers around Border Patrol checkpoints, and delivering drugs and intelligence materials to undercover U.S. federal agents he believed to be cartel representatives.

Corruption cases involving border police have increased in recent years as the U.S. government has ramped up recruitment in a drive to secure the southwest border with Mexico.

Between 2003 and 2009, 129 Customs and Border Protection officers and Border Patrol agents were arrested on corruption charges, according to U.S. Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, figures.

"When a law enforcement officer taints their badge, it erodes public confidence and threatens national security," said James Turgal, special agent in charge of the FBI's Phoenix division.

"The FBI, along with our partners in law enforcement, will continue to combat public corruption at all levels."

(Reporting By Tim Gaynor)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/mexico/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120120/us_nm/us_usa_mexico_corruption

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Endangered turtle to be tracked in Cambodia (AP)

BANGKOK ? One of the world's most endangered turtles has been released into a Cambodian river with a satellite transmitter attached to its shell to track how it will navigate through commercial fishing grounds and other man-made hazards.

The 75-pound (34-kilogram) southern river terrapin ? one of only about 200 adults remaining in the wild ? waddled into the Sre Ambel river in southwestern Cambodia this past week to the cheers of local residents and conservationists.

The New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society said the female terrapin was given to the group last year instead of being sold to traffickers who have decimated the country's population of turtles and other species to cater to demand for exotic wildlife in China.

The southern river terrapin, once considered the sole property of Cambodia's kings, only survives in the wilds of Malaysia, Indonesia and Cambodia, the group said in a statement. The population in the Sre Ambel river is estimated at less than 10 nesting females.

But it said the terrapins there have an excellent chance of recovery because coastal mangrove forests in the region are among the largest and most pristine in Southeast Asia, spanning some 175 square miles (45,000 hectares).

The first-ever satellite monitoring of the species hopes to determine how the turtle will fare among fisherman as well as in areas threatened by sand mining and conversion of mangrove forests into shrimp farms.

A small population of the species was found in 2000 in Sre Ambel after being considered locally extinct for many years.

Following the brutal rule of the Khmer Rouge in the mid-1970s which left the country devastated, poor rural dwellers scoured the forests for wildlife, much of which was sold to traders connected to China, where many wild animals ? from turtles to tigers ? are believed to possess medicinal and sex-enhancing properties.

The turtle project is being run by the Wildlife Conservation Society in cooperation with the Cambodian government and Wildlife Reserves Singapore, a zoological enterprise.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/space/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120121/ap_on_sc/as_cambodia_king_s_turtle

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Arkansas Car Insurance | Cheapest Car Insurance

Like other states, Arkansas also has a law that prohibits people to operate their motor vehicles without minimum liability insurance on the vehicle.? And their authorities make sure that they verify regularly if the all of the motor vehicles that are passing through their highways are covered with a liability insurance that are required by the state?s law.

The minimum liability insurance in Arkansas is the same with Alabama which is 25/50/20. That means that it is $25,000 per person that are victims of the accident, $50,000 for two or more persons that are victims of the accident, and $25,000 to properties that were damaged. Failing to have the minimum liability coverage is an act of breaking the law and it could lead a person to get the registration for his vehicle to be suspended for as long as one year.

It is also stipulated in the Arkansas car insurance requirements that motorists should always have their proof of car insurance with them all of the time. This is a very essential thing to have with you especially when you get involved in an accident. When the authorities ask for your proof of insurance and you don?t have it with you, then you are in for added trouble. And not only in accidents, the Arkansas authorities also make routine stops to check if the citizens are adhering to this law so to avoid getting fined or getting your registration suspended, it would be wise to keep that proof close by all of the time.
There are also some penalties for those people who are driving with an Arkansas car insurance that doesn?t reach the minimum coverage that is required by the state. People who are discovered to be under insured while driving on the highways of Arkansas are punished depending on the offenses of the driver. Commonly the authorities would be the license plate of the vehicle and pay a fine of $50 to $250 on the first offence. On the second offence the person would have to pay about $250 to $500 dollars, and if the person keeps on getting caught on the same offence, he might face a one year jail time and bigger fines.

Always remember that it is highly illegal to operate a vehicle in Arkansas that is not covered with the minimum liability insurance that they require. Some people might think that these requirements are too strict; however this law is directed to their safety. They would just discover the benefits of this law when they get involved in a car accident. These type of accidents are really common nowadays ad this is due to the fast increase of irresponsible and untrained drivers that are hitting the road every day. Only car insurance can save you from getting buried with financial burdens when that time comes. Car repairs and medical expenses are really expensive and you would need to have a reserved fund to take care of that, which is exactly what these car insurances has to offer.

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Source: http://cheapestcarautoinsurance.com/car-insurance-by-state/arkansas-car-insurance/

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Obama sings a tune, steals the online show (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? President Barack Obama stole the online show on Friday after singing a tune during a campaign fundraiser at New York City's famed Apollo Theater.

After Rev. Al Green warmed up the audience for Obama on Thursday night, the president surprised the audience -- and his staff -- by crooning the opening bars of Green's soul classic "Let's stay together."

"I'm - so in love with you," he sang, earning rapturous applause from the 1,400 people who each had paid between $100 and $200 to attend the Democratic fundraiser ahead of the presidential election in November.

"Don't worry Rev., I cannot sing like you. I just wanted to show my appreciation," Obama added, as he stood on a stage at the theater that helped launch the careers of Michael Jackson, James Brown and Ella Fitzgerald.

The video of Obama singing was a hit online on Friday and Al Green was one of the top ten topics trending on Twitter.

"I have worked for President Obama for 5 years and until last night, I had no idea that he could sing," said White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer in a tweet.

(Reporting by Alister Bull, editing by Michelle Nichols)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/tech/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120120/pl_nm/us_obama_singing

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Interview with Diane Trautman (Offthekuff)

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NewsDaily: U.S. adds partners to communications satellites

U.S. adds partners to communications satellites

By Andrea Shalal-EsaPosted 2012/01/17 at 8:57 pm EST

WASHINGTON, Jan. 17, 2012 (Reuters) ? Canada and four other countries will contribute $620 million toward the $1 billion cost of building and operating a ninth satellite in a new U.S. military communications system, a move that will improve cooperation among those countries and save money at a time when defense budgets are shrinking.

U.S. officials also said on Tuesday they would negotiate with Boeing this year about work on a tenth satellite approved by Congress in the fiscal 2012 defense appropriations bill; the company, the prime contractor on the $10 billion satellite program, last week won a $377 million contract to build the satellite.

The United States, Canada, New Zealand, Denmark, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands had signed a 20-year memorandum of understanding cementing the partnership for the satellite system on January 12, building on an existing bilateral agreement with Australia on the Wideband Global Satellite Communications (WGS) program signed in 2007.

Officials from all seven countries met in Washington on Tuesday for an initial steering meeting on the program.

The agreement went into force last week, and a Dutch military official said his country had begun using satellite communications from the three WGS satellites already in orbit.

The U.S. Air Force is due to launch a fourth satellite on Thursday from Cape Canaveral.

Tightening budgets and greater reliance on coalitions for warfighting have increased the number of weapons programs that involve funding and participation by foreign governments.

For instance, Lockheed Martin Corp is developing the next-generation F-35 fighter for U.S. military forces and eight international partners.


U.S. officials said they remained open to expanding the cooperation agreement if other countries were interested, but there were no specific expansion plans at the moment.

The deal gives Canada and the other countries access to critical wideband satellite services that carry large bandwidth and high data rate communications to military forces around the globe at a rate corresponding to their level of contribution.

Heidi Grant, U.S. Air Force deputy undersecretary for international affairs, said the agreement would strengthen ties among the partner countries, improve the resiliency of military communications, provide greater operational flexibility, and enhance the ability of allied forces to work together.

She said battlefield demand for information was at a record high and expanding exponentially given how important satellite communications have become to military operations.

Lieutenant Colonel March Assel with the Luxembourg military said the agreement was a "golden opportunity" for a small country like his to have access to a global satellite system.

U.S. Major General John Hyten, director of space programs for the U.S. Air Force acquisition office, said the primary driver for the partnership was operational, but said the deal would also have "huge" financial benefits for the United States and its partners at a time when defense budgets are falling.

WGS, the next-generation wideband satellite communications system, is augmenting and replacing the current Defense Satellite Communication System.


Separately, the U.S. State Department on Tuesday announced that the United States would join with the European Union and other nations to develop an international code of conduct that would establish guidelines for responsible use of outer space.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States had a vital interest in protecting its space systems from space debris and irresponsible actors, but would not sign a code of conduct that "in any way constrains our national security-related activities in space or our ability to protect the United States and our allies."

There are about 60 countries and government consortia that operate satellites, and the Pentagon tracks about 22,000 objects in space, of which about 1,100 are active satellites.

(Reporting By Andrea Shalal-Esa; Editing by Phil Berlowitz)

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Initial Sync Fail Outlook 2007 / Windows 7

Hi all, I have migrated quite a few people to Office 2k7 and win7 from office 2k3 and XP and have never had this issue before. Can someone please help?

Upon initial sync, signatures would fail (I am told this is expected) but it chugs along. It kept getting stuck on "Synchronizing folder: Tasks" 1.31 KB transferred. I let this run all day and it never completed. So i removed and reinstalled the Connector and Outlook, no dice. Then i figured it must be ticked off about one of her tasks, so i took a backup from her webmail account, and removed them all (I also removed the few that did come in to Outlook). I removed the account and then re-added it to Outlook. This time signatures fail again, along with a couple of "Unknown failures" and it finally gets stuck on "Synchronizing folder: trash" 1.31KB transferred.

I don't think that its an issue with her trash folder, mainly because they both were getting stuck on 1.31KB transferred, that can't be a coincidence?

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


Windows 7 professional SP1
Outlook 2007 SP1
Outlook connector v. 7.1.1

Source: http://www.zimbra.com/forums/zimbra-connector-outlook/54629-initial-sync-fail-outlook-2007-windows-7-a.html

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CANADA: 2nd Caption Contest with JC Little of the Animated Woman!

> Canada, Contest, JC Little, Motherhood > CANADA: 2nd Caption Contest with JC Little of the Animated?Woman!

The winner from last month?s caption contest with JC Little is reader, Kelly, who commented, ?Repeat after me?. Mommy gets pee pee diapers and Daddy gets poo poo diapers!? ?Congratulations, Kelly!?

It?s time for another caption contest with JC Little, the Animated Woman, of Montreal, Canada! She has created this next animation especially for World Moms Blog!

Now, it?s up to you, to tell us what this mama is saying! ?It can be funny, cultural, in another language (please translate, too!), or make a statement. Leave your caption in the comments section of this post, and our editors will pick their favorite caption!?

This is an original post to World Moms Blog by JC Little of Montreal, Canada.?JC Little is The Animated Woman: mom, animator, humorist, and social media minx. Her short films and cartoons are showcased at?TheAnimatedWoman.com,?and she has a Disney-syndicated TV show?My Life ME.?

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Source: http://worldmomsblog.com/2012/01/18/canada-2nd-caption-contest-with-jc-little-of-the-animated-woman/

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Merkel returns to AC Milan after Boateng injury

Associated Press Sports

updated 4:41 p.m. ET Jan. 18, 2012

MILAN (AP) -AC Milan has brought back German midfielder Alexander Merkel on loan after losing Kevin-Prince Boateng for a month with a torn left thigh muscle.

Milan made the announcement on its website on Wednesday, saying the move is a temporary loan since Merkel's rights are jointly shared by Milan and Genoa.

The 19-year-old Merkel made 10 appearances and scored one goal in all competitions for Milan last season. During the first half of this season, he played 14 times for Genoa.

Milan announced Boateng's injury late Tuesday, adding that goalkeeper Christian Abbiati has a slight left calf problem.

Milan trails Serie A leader Juventus by one point.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

BASF Moves GM Plant Research From Europe To US

GMO is not about making plants that produce more, or are resistant to cold or heat or drought.

Presently they are about resistance to insects, better weed management practices, and virus resistance, and they work.

It is the control of the food supply, that is what it is about.

You have no idea what genetic engineering is, do you? It is a technique. It doesn't want to do anything. Sure, you could say that a company wants to get larger market share, but that would be like saying that cooking is all about control because McDonald's does it.

Ask any Biologist, and they will tell you, genetically creating strains of identical plant lines to maximize a trait is a truly dangerous thing to do.

Funny, because that's exactly what many biologists working in plant science are trying to do with particular traits. That's what we've been doing for years with conventional breeding, or did you think all those plump grains and fat fruits were natural? This is not intrinsically different than altering traits via GE. And as a matter of fact, I have asked biologists about this very subject. University professors in genetics, biochemistry, plant biology, and agriculture. Guess how many of them opposed genetic engineering? None.

Whenever you take and engineer biological entities such as plants, that are gentically identical and create entire artificial eco systems that have low diversity, or in the case of GMO, _NO_ diversity, all sorts of catastrophic destruction can happen to the population.

That doesn't even make sense. Yes, lack of biodiversity is bad. Genetic engineering however is a way of improving a plant, not a system of agriculture. What you are saying is like saying that modifying cars with spinning rims means that there will only be one car on the market. Furthermore, even with GE crops, they breed the trait into numerous different lines of the crop.

Whether it be a GERM, a BUG or BAD WEATHER, having a food supply that is genetically diverse and NOT engineered is the safest and will produce the most food, consistently over a wide variety of environmental conditions.

Biodiversity is what you grow. genetic engineering is a way to improve it. That's a false dichotomy that makes absolutely no sense and could just as easily be applied to conventional breeding.

GMO has got to be the worst possible idea of all time.

Tell that to the papaya farmers in Hawaii who would no longer be papaya farmers without the GE Rainbow papaya. Tell that to the farmers in India who stole Bt cotton seeds from test fields. Tell that to the farmers all across America, Canada, Brazil, and Argentina who willingly choose to buy GE seed every year.

It isn't by accident you know, they will not put GMO labels on food. They know it is not safe, and they do not want you to know about it.


GMO also is causing massive extinction rates in our grain crops from gene contamination. If this isn't stopped, there won't be any grain species left that are safe to eat.

Really? Care to explain in detail how a single new transgene could possibly do that? Because it sounds like you just made that up.

It sounds like you know nothing about biology or agriculture, but you've got conspiracies down.

Source: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdotScience/~3/0xggqn-_Y-k/basf-moves-gm-plant-research-from-europe-to-us

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Police kill 7 gunmen in central Mexico gun battle (AP)

MEXICO CITY ? Seven gunmen are dead following a pre-dawn shootout with police on a highway in the city of Cuernavaca, south of Mexico City.

A federal police officer is recovering from a gunshot wound to the foot following the confrontation.

The prosecutors office in the central Mexican state of Morelos says the gunmen belonged to an organized crime gang, but did not say which gang.

"Organized crime" in Mexico generally refers to drug cartels, and remnants of the Beltran Leyva cartel have been fighting for control of Cuernavaca.

Prosecutors said the gunmen were traveling in three stolen vehicles when police confronted them early Monday.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/latam/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120116/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/lt_drug_war_mexico

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Video: GOP hopefuls stump in SC

>>> things are heating up down south in the campaign trail where there is an all-out effort to derail mitt romney in south carolina . well, romney spent the day behind closed doors , his rivals were crisscrossing the state, hoping to stop his momentum before it is too late. nbc's ron mott is on the trail tonight in myrtle beach . ron , good evening.

>> reporter: hey, lester. good evening to you. this was a rare day of rest for mitt romney as the rest of the field tried to take advantage, calling on south carolina conservative voters to keep this race from running out of options.

>> let us all fight for that --

>> reporter: with republican front -runner mitt romney taking sunday off the campaign trail, his opponents were busy stumping today, rallying conservative support in an effort to slow romney 's momentum.

>> i hope each of you will peer into your heart and find that individual with the record, with the values that represent your heart.

>> reporter: harry and rick santorum hoping to leverage his endorsement this week from a national group of evangelical leaders into a south carolina surge appealed to a christian audience at a prayer breakfast.

>> we need a candidate who has accountability to god and accountability to an eternal truth and understanding of our role in the world.

>> reporter: since 1980 , voters here have chosen the republican candidate who ultimately advanced to the general election . ronald reagan , george h.w. bush , bob dole , george w. bush , and john mccain four years ago. so if the former massachusetts governor who leads in the polls wins an unprecedented three in a row, will his challengers call it quits?

>> if romney wins south carolina , i think the game's over. this is the last stand for many candidates.

>> reporter: but newt gingrich , who continued to challenge romney 's record on the sunday morning talk circuit, didn't sound quite ready to concede.

>> if romney wins here, he has an enormous advantage going forward. i hope every conservative will reach the conclusion that to vote for anybody but gingrich is in fact, to help romney win the nomination.

>> reporter: meanwhile, jon huntsman trumpeted the endorsement of the state's largest newspaper, looking to turn his long odds into a strong enough finish to keep going.

>> i think it is a big deal anytime you get the largest paper in the state to come out and endorse you, that's a big deal .

>> reporter: as for ron paul , he picked up the key endorsement tonight from a tea party back state senator, ron paul and other candidates are expected to speak tomorrow at the tea party convention here in myrtle beach . lester?

>> ron mott, thanks.

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/46007260/

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Rating of Europe's bailout fund rests on Germany: S&P (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? The top credit rating of Europe's bailout fund depends on additional financial backing from Germany and the other three remaining AAA-rated euro zone countries, Standard & Poor's said on Friday.

The fund, also known as European Financial Stability Facility, has its AAA rating at risk after S&P stripped two of its guarantors, France and Austria, of their top credit ratings.

If downgraded, the EFSF could face higher borrowing costs, reducing its firepower to rescue troubled countries in the region.

"If you have a greater commitment from the other countries, then the EFSF could retain its AAA rating," John Chambers, the chairman of S&P's sovereign rating committee, told Reuters Insider in an interview.

"If you've lost two of the six AAA guarantors, either they need to increase the backing from the four remaining AAA guarantors or they need to raise some cash buffers," Chambers said.

Another option would be that the fund raises collateral to cover its outstanding obligations.

Germany and France, the two largest euro zone economies, are the main guarantors of the EFSF.

Chambers also said the European Central Bank's recent measures to increase liquidity to banks promoted a substantial monetary easing in the euro zone, which was "good news" for the ratings.

Some banks may have used the low-cost money from the ECB to invest in government bonds, he added.

Euro zone banks received almost half a trillion euros in the ECB's first-ever injection of 3-year liquidity last month. Analysts have been watching for signs that banks would use this to buy bonds, especially those issued by fiscally troubled euro zone countries.

A stellar Spanish bond auction earlier this week led some to believe that some of that money had indeed made its way into the sovereign debt.

Chambers' comments contrast with recent comments from Fitch Ratings, which said this week the euro-zone debt crisis will not be solved without more active engagement of the ECB.

(Reporting By Walter Brandimarte and Burton Frierson; Editing by Jan Paschal; editing by Carol Bishopric)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/europe/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120114/bs_nm/us_eurozone_efsf_sandp

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Presidential Impersonators See Serious Business In Election (VIDEO)

As the Iowa caucuses wound down, Dustin Gold began to panic. Suddenly Rick Santorum was the man of the moment, and Gold wasn't prepared.

Gold is no political operative. His company, William Gold Entertainment, specializes in booking presidential impersonators around the country, including Reggie Brown, by many accounts the most successful working impersonator of Barack Obama.

Gold already has a Mitt Romney doppelganger in the fold and is working with a Newt Gingrich guy, but until Santorum's strong showing in the Hawkeye State, he didn't feel the need to find a lookalike for the former Pennsylvania senator.

"I really had no intention of getting a Santorum until I woke up at 2:30 a.m., the morning after the Iowa caucus," Gold told HuffPost Weird News. "Now I'm looking for one, but it depends on how he does in the next few primaries."

Such is the world of presidential impersonators, where an election can four more years of hefty paychecks.

"I think the president earns $450,000 a year, but Reggie Brown, our Obama, earns more than that," Gold said. "However, Obama will probably make more when he leaves office than Reggie will."


Reggie Brown is an actor from Chicago, currently based in Los Angeles, who decided to work up a Barack Obama act on the night of the 2008 election. His biggest claim to fame was when he appeared at the 2011 Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, and delivered jokes that criticized several of the Republican Party's 2012 and was pulled from the stage by convention organizers.

Reggie Brown is an actor from Chicago, currently based in Los Angeles, who decided to work up a Barack Obama act on the night of the 2008 election. His biggest claim to fame was when he appeared at the 2011 Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, and delivered jokes that criticized several of the Republican Party's 2012 and was pulled from the stage by convention organizers.


Reggie Brown

Reggie Brown is an actor from Chicago, currently based in Los Angeles, who decided to work up a Barack Obama act on the night of the 2008 election. His biggest claim to fame was when he appeared at the 2011 Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, and delivered jokes that criticized several of the Republican Party's 2012 and was pulled from the stage by convention organizers.

Mike Cote, a standup comic and drywall installer from southern Maine, wants to play Romney.

Cote, 56, discovered his resemblance to Romney in 2008 when some fellow comics pointed it out to him. Within weeks, he was on David Letterman's late-night show.

But Cote admits he still has some work ahead of him if he wants to be a really good fake Romney.

"I need to get the voice down," he admitted with a thick New England accent. "The voice is a challenge, because I'm not an impersonator."

Both Cote and Gold said Romney's button-down personality presents a daunting challenge for any impersonator -- unlike Bill Clinton, who has personality quirks that Gold says are "the gift that keeps on giving."

Cote said he has a handle on the Romney character, though.

"He's like a Ken doll," he said. "You just pull the string."


While presidential impersonators once saw their gigs dry up when the subject left office, Gold is trying to extend the masquerade of Clinton copycats and bogus Bushes with a bevy of multi-character shows.

For his part, Brown said he think an Obama impression will remain relevant long after the president has left office.

"I am confident Obama will win," Brown said in an interview, "but if he doesn't, he's still a historical figure and I believe I will be able to do him, either comedically or seriously, for the rest of my life."

Gold says it takes about a year after a new president gets elected for an impersonator to establish himself professionally.

"It took a little bit longer for Reggie, in part, because people liked Obama at first and being the first African-American president, people weren't sure how to spoof him."

Brown says his career really took off this past June, when he was ushered off the stage at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans after ribbing various GOP contenders as well as Obama.

"It took a long time to build up a business, but, since then, I've been on the road constantly," Brown said, adding that he started working on his act the night of Obama's election.

"The key to him is confidence. You have to act like you know how to engage the room," he said, going on to divide the president's persona into discrete fragments, including "Campaign Obama," "Sincere Obama" and, when he's speaking to a large audience, "Martin Luther Obama."

Although being a presidential impersonator can bring fame and fortune, Damian Mason -- who has portrayed Clinton professionally since 1994 -- said he remains regularly surprised by how often people believe they are actually talking to a former president. Occasionally, he said, that can get scary.

"I had a little dude at an Indiana Republican event come unglued and scream at me that I was 'stirring s*** that didn't need stirring,'" Mason said. "That event was early in my career and it taught me of the passion people bring to political stuff. These were people who probably knew I was not really Clinton but decided they hated Clinton and they would be angry at me because of it."

Brown feels mixed reactions at the passion Obama evokes from haters as well.

"Regardless of politics, I want you to like me," he said. "I've performed in front of people who hated the president and, therefore, hated me."

Still, Brown said he remains grateful for his recent career swing, owing to Obama's rise in tandem with his growth and training. "A good presidential impersonator needs to be ready for this and have the talent," he said.

As for kindred spirits looking to make Gold's callback list, however, Brown offered a word of warning. "If you're hoping to become a Rick Santorum impersonator," he laughed, "I suggest you keep looking for another job."

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/14/mitt-romney-newt-gingrich-impersonator_n_1190243.html

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