Monday, January 2, 2012's no-fail Twitter tips

Managing the @WWEUniverse account, we get tons of requests for shoutouts. It's your birthday, you want a retweet. You won the state championships in football, you want a RT. But let's face it, with millions of followers across all Twitter accounts, it's hard to get to everyone. Now just imagine being a WWE Superstar or Diva. Their accounts are filled with praise, some not-so-much praise and hundreds of questions on a daily - sometimes hourly - basis. has some tips on getting that RT you've been looking for from your favorite Superstars and Divas.

1. Artwork - Nothing catches and eye like a good picture. This could be an amazing avatar of your favorite Superstar or Diva, maybe an incredible hand-drawn piece of artwork or a cool Twitter skin they can use.?"I'm very much a visual person," former Divas Champion Alicia Fox noted. "So I really like when people send me sketches of themselves or me in my 'Fox' hood. I love those."?

2. Asking for a RT typically doesn't work. Hey, it's my birthday, can I get a RT? Dolph Ziggler weighed in on all the RT requests. "'Please, RT, please answer.' Yeah, I get it. You're asking the questions." said the active Tweeter and showoff about his Twitter talk with the WWE Universe. "Anything clever gets a RT from me, whether it's factual or not. If you get a laugh out of me, that gets my respect."

3. Be respectful. If you wouldn't say it to their face, don't type it. Sure, we all get a dose of keyboard courage from time to time, but it's important to keep it in check. Yes, it's really easy to hide amongst the millions behind a Twitter handle, but that doesn't make it right. "It's important to be genuine in your interactions with me," Ezekiel Jackson explained of his positive tweeting habits. "Don't ask a question to simply get a response."

4. Everyone loves a little praise. Who doesn't love to get patted on the back every once in awhile. It's rewarding and makes your feel good. But "praise" under the
veil of lying doesn't always work.?"Hey, @ZackRyder, you're my favorite Superstar! But your picture is Randy Orton? #areyouseriousbro?" the 2011 Trending Superstar of the Year told "I do read all of them, so keep tweeting me, watching my YouTube show and buy my T-shirt."

?Now that you have the tips, keep tweeting us at using the @WWEUniverse account, and tweeting your favorite Superstars and Divas!



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