Monday, February 13, 2012

Self Improvement | 10 Fantastic Ways to Spend a Day Off | The Self ...

By Josh Sarz -

Regardless of how you much you love your job, you still need some time to rest or enjoy yourself without thinking of deadlines, projects, metrics and the like.

Maslow described the physiological needs of a person, such as food, water and sleep are the most basic yet the most important of all the needs. Give yourself a break from your hectic work week. Below I?m going to enumerate 10 Fantastic Ways to Spend A Day Off.

1. Sit down and read a book

Yup, this one is pretty simple, but is one of the most amazing things you can do on your day off. Read something entertaining, something that you like, and commit to finish it. You don?t have to complete the whole book in one day, but put about half of your day into starting the book, and finishing it in the next few days. This allows your mind to wander off from work and also enhances the creativity part of your brain.

2. Disappear for a while

Another amazing way to spend your day off is to venture off to places you haven?t been to before, preferably someplace quiet and calm. You don?t have to tell everyone where you?re going, just brief your family about it, or they can come along. Spend time with your loved ones at a quiet, calm location. This helps you appreciate peace and quiet as you only focus on relaxing at the beach, enjoying the view from atop a mountain, camping out in the woods and a whole lot more.

3. Learn something new

You can take a short course on another language like Spanish, French or Japanese. You could also take some cooking lessons, or learning how to build your own house. You can try to learn sign language. This way, you can improve your knowledge base, get creative and not have to worry about work.

4. Try sleeping all day for once

For the ones who are too tired after a long week of work, you can opt to stay in bed, sleep and not get up until it?s evening. A lot of people take sleep for granted despite it being one of the most important things you have to do to recharge.

5. Go Fishing

When you?re fishing, you?re already hitting two other amazing ways to spend a day off, which are disappearing and learning something new, if you don?t know how to fish yet. Waiting for a bit takes patience, and it forces you to rest and just focus on certain movements and sounds around you. Catching a bite is also a rewarding experience in itself.

6. Invest time in a pet

Another amazing way to spend a day off is to play with your pet, if you have one. If you have a dog, you can take them on leisurely strolls around the block, or play with them at a park. Aquatic pets would also be a good choice, aside from drawing out your creativity in designing and building their tank, they would also add beauty to your home. Watching an aquatic soap-opera before going to be is also very relaxing.

7. Remove clutter

We all have clutter in our lives. They could come in as excess baggage in the form of old junk, or they could be some of your bad habits. Spend a day off cleaning out the clutter from your home, or in your personal life and make room for the more important ones.

8. Become Internet savvy

Businesses and entertainment are leaping into the online world much faster than ever before. It?s not wise to stay behind the times. Information, entertainment, work, play and shopping can now be found online, and you can experience all of them at the comfort of your home through the Internet.

9. Start a Good Habit

Removing clutter like bad habits from your life will give room for good ones. Take time to exercise, workout or learn something new on your day off. It may be hard at first, but consistency is key. Once you?ve harnessed the power of good habits, you?ll find yourself on your way to a more fulfilling life.

10. Treat yourself

After a tiring work week, one of the best ways to spend a day off is to spend it pampering yourself. You could go to a spa, get a massage, buy yourself a treat, watch a movie, and a lot more. Supercharge yourself to face another week by treating yourself like the king of the world.

There are a lot more ways to spend a day off, though these are my favorite options. How about you? Do you have anything to add to the list?

Josh Sarz currently works as a writer/editor for Thumbtack, an online marketplace for local services in the U.S. He is a Cebu Blogger, and in his blog he talks about Simplifying and Enjoying Life ?and Simple Weight Loss Tips.

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