Saturday, March 31, 2012

Truly Unique Groomsmen Gifts

unique groomsmen gifts

Gunther Gifts prides itself on being one of the few retail stores that does the majority of their engraving in house where there is the most control over quality and meeting high engraving standards. Also, they engrave on name brand items such as Leatherman, Gerber knives, Buck knives, Zippo lighters and Rawlings baseball bats to name a few. Most places like Things Remembered have just generic brand gifts that don?t have any name brand recognition or pride behind them.

If you?re searching for truly unique groomsmen gifts that you can afford ($40 or less), go to Gunther. They have been online since 1999 and have engraved gift orders for over 200,000 customers. They have got this engraving thing down pat.

Groomsmen gifts of beer mugs are very popular. Those big beer mugs can be used for beer or soda. So, in general, mugs are more popular thank liquor flasks which is definitely meant strictly for alcoholic beverages. Not everyone in your wedding party might drink alcohol. In that case, big beer mugs are a better choice because they can be used daily by your friends, no matter what beverage they choose to fill them with.

Gunther Gifts has a great section of groomsmen gift ideas put together that have been favorites of guy gifts over the years. You?ll definitely want to check that out. The best part is shopping from the comfort of your own home. When you shop online you totally skip mall trips and save gas and time, not to mention you?ll keep your sanity!

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Carnival of Financial Planning - My Personal Finance Journey

Welcome to My Personal Finance Journey! If you are new here, please read the "About" or "First-Time Visitor" pages to find out more about us. If you would like to receive free updates on articles like this by email, then sign up here or you can?subscribe to the RSS feed. Also, check us out on Twitter or Facebook. Thanks for visiting! Keep on learning!

Carnival of Financial Planning - Edition #230 - March 30,?2012

Welcome to the March 30, 2012 Edition #230 of the Carnival of Financial Planning!

The Carnival of Financial Planning takes a long-term view of personal financial planning for individuals and families. The focus is on efficient and sustainable personal financial planning practices that can lead to lifetime financial security.?

This edition is arranged by subject heading, so that you can browse efficiently.


Budgeting and Economics

Justin presents What Should You Try Before You Take Out a Loan? posted at Budget Snob, saying, There are some situations in which taking out a loan is appropriate, such as buying a house or a car. However, in other situations, loans may not be the best choice. Before you take out a loan, its important to look at your options.

Chris presents The Recession Generation posted at Experiglot, saying, We really are the recession generation.

Tim presents 5 Business Lessons Learned from Monopoly posted at Faith and Finance, saying, Monopoly is good family fun and all, but its also a crash course in business. Here are 5 business takeaways you can learn from the old game Monopoly.

Janet presents Living expense tracking methods posted at Independent Financial Planner , saying, " Many people do not track their living expenses and do not understand the magnitude of their consumption. Failure to monitor your consumption expenditures means that they are flying blindly regarding their future finances. "

Darwin presents The REAL Inflation Rate posted at Darwin's Money , saying, Most Americans feel the government inflation numbers aren't representative of the real inflation they see year to year. Here's your solution.

Financial Planning

Craig Ford presents The Unpopular Truth About the Dangers of a Dave Ramsey Only Approach to Christian Finances posted at Money Help For Christians, saying, "Christians should consider paying attention to other financial authors as well."

Jeffrey presents Can We Stop Gushing Over Our Self-Affirming Financial Bull? posted at Money Spruce, saying, Did the title make you uncomfortable or defensive? Good, it's probably not new news to you that everything likes to read things that simply back up what they already think and do. Finances are no different. We like to have all the answers, and we like to be on the right track. Sure, there are little tweaks here and there but not too much to rock the boat.

Dave presents Passive Investing ? Active Investing ? Alpha Returns posted at Wall Street Nerds , saying, " The Old Testament of indexing is Burton Malkiel?s classic A Random Walk Down Wall Street, first published in 1973 by W.W. Norton and now in its ninth edition. For typical individual investors, without special access to information, it offers what is likely the best financial advice they will ever get: It is hard to consistently beat the market, especially after fees. A passive strategy will do better in the long run. "

Philip Taylor presents We Finally Completed Our Last Will and Testament, Living Will, and Durable Power of Attorney posted at PT Money Personal Finance, saying, Discusses our personal estate planning, as well as our choice to pay a lawyer versus using a website such as Legal Zoom.

Jen presents Make Money While Drinking Beer? posted at Master the Art of Saving, saying, I started thinking about it - can you really make money while drinking beer? Yep, I've decided that it is quite possible for somebody to make money while drinking beer-- though most of these things can also been done by sober people.

Shaun presents What to Do If You are in a Car Accident posted at Smart Family Finance, saying, While being a party to a car accident might be outside your control, knowing what to do after a car accident will help keep you safe and potentially avoid you legal headaches down the road.

TSI presents Where?s Waldo? ? The illusion of superior professional mutual fund manager performance. posted at Skilled Investor Blog , saying, " If investment mutual fund managers were truly skilled at beating the market, then you would expect mutual fund manager performance prowess to persist over time. Unfortunately, the evidence indicates that superior past professional performance among mutual fund managers tends not to persist. Past superior mutual fund performance is simply not a predictor of future superior mutual fund performance. "

Everything Finance presents 7 Fun Ways to Teach Children to Save posted at Everything Finance, saying, Creativity is a child's bread and butter, so why not use that to your advantage to teach them about saving money? These clever tips are ideal for teaching your child how to make smart money decisions.

Kevin presents Would You Destroy An Entire Industry? posted at Thousandaire, saying, If you invented something that would benefit consumers immensely but would destroy an entire industry at the same time, would you release your product?

Eddie presents How Do We Measure Success? posted at Finance Fox, saying, Here's my two cents. Singularly education, money, cars and the circle of friends do not measure ones success. Success is measured with a combo of all the above four.


Corey presents How To Make A Killing As A Bar Server posted at Bar Whiz Blog, saying, Although a tight fitting tank top and a pair of orange short-shorts won't hurt, showing skin is not the only way to make a killing as a server. Following these "tips", anyone can make a surprising long-term income from serving.

John presents Wage Slavery and Money Myths posted at Married with Debt, saying, Wage slavery, for some, is an everyday reality. For others, there's no such thing and work is a pleasure.

MR presents Can A Side Blogging Business Help You At Your Primary Job posted at Money Reasons, saying, Can working at a blogging side business help you at your employed day job? I think so and here is my story.

Daniel presents Salary vs Commission: Which Do You Prefer? posted at Sweating the Big Stuff, saying, Do you like working for commission? Do you prefer a salary? There are several compensation options and each has it's own advantages and disadvantages.

Insurance and Risk

Paul Vachon presents Saving Money on Home Insurance posted at The Frugal Toad, saying, There really are no secrets to saving money on home insurance. The trick is to include evaluating your insurance needs as a part of your yearly financial review. Most individuals don't do this and are losing out on potential savings. Here are some of the best ways to save money on home insurance:


Kanwal presents The Biggest Investment Mistakes Canadians Are Making posted at Simply Investing, saying, I was recently interviewed for this article by Cindy Waxer she writes for publications including Technology Review, The Economist, TIME, Fortune Small Business, and Have a look. ManyCanadians are falling short of their investing goals.

Boomer presents Pros and Cons of Holding Your Mortgage in Your RRSP posted at Boomer & Echo, saying, One investment that is eligible to be held in your RRSP is your mortgage. You need to have enough cash, or assets that can be converted to cash, and hold your mortgage in a self-directed RRSP. You then make your mortgage payments to the RRSP instead of a financial institution.

Bobby Boughton presents Is it Better to Invest or Pay off Debt? posted at ReadyForZero Blog, saying, Ah the age old question: Is it better to invest or pay off debt? This article goes through a few scenarios and helps you decide which is the better route to go.

Dividend Growth Investor presents Does entry price matter to dividend investors? posted at Dividend Growth Investor, saying, "The reason for the lost decade in stocks is that many otherwise quality companies were overvalued in the early 2000s. For example Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) was trading at 29.30 times earnings in early 2000, whereas McDonald?s (MCD) traded at 26.90 times earnings. Even some of the best dividend stocks are not worth paying more than 20 times forward earnings."

Teacher Man presents ETF Investing Low Maintenance and Stellar Returns posted at My University Money, saying, So the big day is finally here and we are ready to unveil our eBook the world. A huge thanks goes out to all of the great help Ive had building and marketing the eBook! Without further ado.

Mike presents What You Need To Know About ETF Investing posted at The Dividend Guy Blog, saying, Everything you need to know on the topic.


Steve presents 10 Things You Can Do to Get Out of Debt Starting Today posted at Money Infant, saying, Are you always wondering why you can't get off the debt treadmill and live a satisfying life without constant money worries? 10 things to help get out of debt

Martin presents Do You Know Who Has Your Credit Card Number? posted at Studenomics, saying, The scary possibility of credit card fraud.

Real Estate

A Blinkin presents Should Homeownership Still Be The American Dream? posted at Funancials, saying, This was initially a guest post I wrote for Sam at Financial Samurai. Let me know what you think. There have been numerous studies performed over the years which clearly outline the social benefits of homeownership. In the mid-2000's it was nearly impossible to argue against the advantages of owning a home.

Little House presents Are Homeowners Really More Credit Worthy than Renters? posted at Little House in the Valley, saying, Aren't I, the renter, the more stable consumer than the homeowner who couldn't afford a home to begin with?! Don't my years of rental payments count for something! Why is it that rental payments?aren't?factored into credit worthiness and therefore counted towards my score?

Glen Craig presents What is Mortgage Amortization and How Does it Work? posted at Free From Broke, saying, People get confused when they hear the term Mortgage Amortization. Don't be. It's not that confusing. See what mortgage amortization is and how it works.


FMF presents Determine Your Retirement Number?posted at Free Money Finance, saying, The first step in determining how much money you will need to save for retirement is to answer a few basic questions about your future. If you can answer these six questions accurately then your retirement savings number will also be accurate.

Madison presents Unveiling The Retirement Myth: Book Review posted at My Dollar Plan, saying, There are so many books about saving, investing, and building your portfolio, that it is rare to find a good book about spending down your portfolio, or the distribution stage. The book Unveiling The Retirement Myth by Jim Otar does a great job on explaining the distribution stage, in detail, with actual numbers.


N.W. Journey presents Start Planning and Saving for the Holidays Now posted at Networth Journey, saying, "Discover why now is the best time to save for the holidays."

Ashley presents Saving For College; How to do it and why you shouldn't feel guilty for not posted at Money Talks Coaching, saying, Saving for college is a huge task. Not only does the cost rise faster than inflation you have a very short time frame in which to save.

Kyle presents How to Save 10 Percent on Your Grocery Bill Without Cutting a Single Coupon posted at The Penny Hoarder, saying, If you're someone who won't use coupons or you're somebody who uses coupons, but wants to save even more, I've got an unconventional way to cut the grocery bill.


Cash Flow Mantra presents Update on Income Tax Situation posted at Cash Flow Mantra, saying, For those of you who might be unfamiliar with this part of my financial life, I owe some money to the IRS, and it is not just a little bit. I had to come up with another plan which involved borrowing money from individuals so I could avoid paying more taxes plus a nasty penalty on funds withdrawn from a retirement account. Yes, I am a little like Greece and kicking the can down the road, but I think that things will be getting better.

Money Cone presents Handling Royalty Trusts in Turbo Tax posted at Money Cone, saying, If you own Royalty Trusts in a tax-deferred account, you can skip the tax preparation step and unlike MLPs, owning Royalty Trusts in your 401K or IRAs wont trigger the dreaded UBTI. But if you happen to own them in a taxable account, be prepared to spend some time doing the tax math for each Royalty Trust you own.

Super Saver presents Where's My Refund? posted at My Wealth Builder, saying, "Despite getting a refund this year, I have not filed and therefore know why I haven't received a refund. However, for many that have filed, their refunds have been delayed."

That concludes this edition.?Submit your blog article to the next edition of Carnival of Financial Planning using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Virtual office solutions | Global Warming Solutions

The advancement in communication technology has literally changed the concept of a modern office. People no longer are restricted physically to their workplace to do their job. As businesses are looking for more ways to improve productivity with better managing costs, the virtual office solutions is one of the most popular choice among them. Without a huge capital outlay, you can appear to have offices established in New York, London, Paris or wherever you want.

Virtual office services are rapidly becoming an affordable solution for many small and home based businesses. Virtual offices save your money besides giving you the flexibility, freedom and the opportunity to be at home. It is a very cost-effective option for any startup business, as it requires no investment in official equipments.

Virtual office solutions offer a wide range of virtual office and technical support services to businesses of all sizes. Companies who need to reduce staff for budgetary reasons can now compensate for the loss of production by outsourcing many tasks to virtual office workers who perform their jobs from the comfort of their own homes.

There is varying degree of virtual office solutions ranging from simple mail service to options with no boundaries like-

Mail forwarding services

Phone/fax services

Answering services

Meeting and conference room facilities

Live virtual reception services

Virtual office solutions also negate the need for transportation to and from office, which minimizes pollution and fuel consumption, at the same time saving both employer and worker money. The work is done mainly through telephone and internet with minimal face-to-face interaction. Not only does this reduce costs, it also results in a work environment with less distraction and more ability to focus on the task- more work in less time.

In many respects, the rise of virtual offices has been fueled by the rapid innovation in mobile technology. Those who operate virtual office uses a variety of tools to communicate and get the work done. Take advantage of the technology available for communications like cell phone, video conferencing, instant messaging/chatting and virtual assistant.

Virtual office solution can help

reducing the operational and start up costs Improving customer service and satisfaction enabling sales and support activities in the field Improving operational efficiency through anytime, anywhere access to computer Attracting and retaining people that are more talented by offering them more flexibility and freedom in their work and family front.

Through virtual office solutions, you can establish a local business presence or a nation wide presence in a cost effective manner. It provides unique and innovative solutions that are designed to tailor your individual business needs.

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Finding A Professional Realtor For A House For Sale | South Jersey ...

There are many things to do in preparation for the listing for people who have a house for sale. Assuming you want to get it sold fast, for the most money, this is no time to be slack in a market that favors buyers. For the first home buyers who also want to know something about the first home loan and the property management companies, you can check online.

The first thing you need to do is choose a Realtor. This is not the time to be selling on your own. The market is swamped with properties, regular sales, foreclosures, bank owned and short sales. You need your property put in professional hands. Selling on your own takes time and attention to details. Only about ten percent are successful selling without a Realtor.

With a Realtor, you have the advantage of the Multiple Listing System. You are not limited to a sign in the front yard and an ad in the newspaper. With only a few prospective buyers straggling by, you will end up selling for less than your asking price and giving way on minor matters that come up. You will be haggling over every little detail.

In the listings database, your home is shown to all brokers and agencies in your area. With this listing, not only is your agent working to sell your home, but every agent locally. With a larger pool of prospective buyers, demand is created and you will get your price. Only licensed agents have access to this database, an important reason to go with a Realtor. Realtors offer many other services that you may not think you need but will find you do. They will take the phone calls and set up appointments for showing. They will host the open house that will bring in potential buyers. They can see at a glance what the selling points of the property are and while playing down the lesser points.

When buyer is found, they have the correct forms and are prepared to get the ball rolling. They have lists of properties sold in the neighborhood so you know if your price is realistic or over-priced. They can tell you if you are priced too low, information that you would certainly wish to know. A professional voice helps you handle the details such as determining if the buyer is qualified to purchase. They know how a mortgage works and what to do if there are problems with it. They can find out if a buyer has good credit. They can talk to bankers and advise the agent of the buyer if there is trouble.

A Realtor is familiar with escrow and whether or not you need an attorney. Then there is the home inspection. Most buyers will request one and you need to know how to handle an inspection that says your home is in less pristine condition than you may have thought. A Realtor will advise you on whether to fix things, give a discount or stand by your price. There are details involving titles, termites and tedious counter-offering.

?Mail this post

Posted under Local Real Estate News


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Friday, March 30, 2012

File-sharing site RapidShare deemed legal by court

RapidShare is widely known as an invaluable tool for the illegal sharing of copyrighted digital material. Much like Megaupload, which was shuttered earlier this year when company founder Kim Dotcom was arrested and charged with racketeering and violating anti-piracy laws, RapidShare allows users to upload any file and share a link with other users who may then download the content. While some users share files legally with RapidShare, millions more upload copyrighted movies, music and eBooks which are then downloaded illegally by others around the world who find links to the files on blogs or through special search engines. Following a preliminary ruling, a court in Germany has now declared RapidShare to be legal, but it must utilize a monitoring mechanisms if it wishes to remain operational. Read on for more.

In its fight against GEMA and German book publishers in Germany, RapidShare was ordered to implement a system that would monitor for copyrighted content uploaded to its servers. Now, however, the court has amended its decision according to TorrentFreak. Rather than monitor files being uploaded to its servers and block copyrighted content ? which may be stored legally if it is not shared ? RapidShare must create a system to monitor in-bound links from other websites that may point to infringing material.

?For the first time the Hamburg Higher Regional Court has followed our line of argument on key points and has conferred legal legitimacy on our service, just as other courts have done over a considerable period of time. This is a significant result for us,? said RapidShare CEO Alexandra Zwingli.??That is exactly what RapidShare has already been doing for many years. If the Anti-Abuse Team identifies a download link on such pages which results in a file that has clearly been published illegally being on the company?s servers, the file in question is immediately blocked.?

Because RapidShare is already taking the measure outlined by the court, it plans to appeal the new decision to Germany?s Supreme Court. ?We are doing this of our own accord because we have a strong interest in ensuring that our service remains clean,? Zwingli told TorrentFreak.??We believe that being obliged to carry out such actions is questionable from a legal perspective. For this reason we will appeal the verdict to clarify the issue of proactive monitoring of external websites at the highest judicial level.?

Zach Epstein is the Executive Editor of BGR. He has 10 years of industry experience, first in marketing and business development with two private Telcos, then as a writer and editor covering business, technology and telecommunications.



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Health & Fitness As a Network Marketing Home Business

Health & Fitness As a Network Marketing Home Business

Have you noticed that the healthy and energetic business owners are the ones who make the most money? ?There are many reasons for this but one reason (particular to network marketing) is that your potential associates look you over with a magnifying glass to see if you represent what they wish to attain. ?What good is it to be a successful entrepreneur if you do not have the energy and stamina to do the job? ?If you are overweight, unhealthy, uninspiring, it conveys a message to your prospective customer or business associate that your plan does not work.

Is There Too Much Competition?

Some people think the ?health and wealth? network marketing industry is saturated and no longer the right opportunity to invest in. ?If you feel that way, please do yourself a favor. ?Find a busy shopping mall or a restaurant and have a seat. ?Take out a notepad and make two columns, labeling one ?Overweight/Unhealthy? and the other ?Looks Fit.? ?Spend ten minutes observing the people around you putting?a mark in the appropriate column for each person you see, including children. ?Don?t leave out the elderly or anyone using a walker or wheelchair. ?After ten minutes, add up the slash marks and discover for yourself what percentage of people need better nutrition and exercise. ?If you do this, you will have the truth about the health, nutrition and fitness industry.

There may be plenty of products and services available but ask yourself this: ?If those products are in any way effective, why do we still have an obesity epidemic? ?Why are these people walking so slowly, looking so glum? ?Why are their faces tensed with pain or exhaustion? ?Possibly what is lacking is effectiveness.

Lack of Effectiveness Opens the Market

The apathy you see in the eyes of those who are obese comes from years of trying to lose weight and get fit only to find nothing worked. ?They do not want to resort to surgery or dangerous drugs. ?They have tried various diet plans and have spent a great deal of money and time trying to look and feel better. ?Most of them, if they were lucky enough to lose weight in the first place, gained it all back within a year.

If you already work in the weight loss or fitness industry, you know that you first have to get your client past their apathy and disbelief. ?They don?t trust that your product or plan works. ?Most will be happy to lose a few pounds and gain a bit of muscle.? There is no magic pill, no completely safe, risk-free surgery.

So why bother with this industry? ?Two reasons come to mind. ?This epidemic affects your neighbors, your family, and your friends. ?The percentage of overweight and obese individuals is climbing steadily and cardiovascular disease (heart and circulatory) ?succumb to the lack of an effective diet and exercise plan? ?Of course not.

The obstacles to getting fit and what you should look for in a Fitness Home Business are:


  • The product should not cost more money than the consumer has already tried or is spending, or better yet ? save them money
  • The best nutrition or exercise plan should take up less than ten minutes a day, ?or better yet ? save them time

Most people surveyed do not have time to go to the gym or prepare special meals. ?Maximum time for exercise surveys at around 30 minutes twice a week though contrary answers show that most people do not actually exercise that much. ?Some fitness center members say their favorite class or fitness instructor is not available when they are. ?Others forgot to figure in travel time. ?While some people say a membership does get them to exercise, others prefer a home exercise machine but do not have the money to purchase the one they?d prefer. ?Almost all of the answers regarding what is stopping them from nutritious meals and regular exercise could be boiled down to ?time and money.?


  • The product should bring pleasure and be more desirable than what they have been doing
  • The product should in some way ease mental, emotional or physical pain

There have been many ?meal replacement? snacks and drinks on down through the decades. ?Two of the majority responses to ?Why did you stop using meal replacement snacks or drinks?? were: ??Tastes awful? or ?Had a negative digestive reaction.? ?And what stopped the exercise? ??It hurt too much and was too hard to do.? ?What good is a great diet and exercise plan if you cannot ?stomach? it? ?On the other hand, people who noticed a difference in their energy levels and overall feeling of well-being, persisted through any discomfort, indigestion or ?detoxification,? etc., to achieve the pleasurable results.


  • The product should align with the variety of personal and nutrition beliefs of the consumer
  • The product should enhance the ideals of the consumer

People have formed or adopted strong opinions about diet and nutrition usually by the time they are 18 years old. ?Some people have food restrictions as part of their beliefs and ideas about their ideal appearance, how they should feel, even how long they should live. ?Nutrition industries are running into this more and more. ?Ask a customer service representative or a nutritionist. ?They will tell you about?people who have developed ?food allergies.? ?Imagined or otherwise, these opinions and conditions are not to be argued with. ?The consumer is certain that they cannot tolerate a certain food. ?If your product or service does not align with most people?s ideals and lifestyles, your consumer base will be limited. ?Witness the increased messages on the labels ? ?Vegan,? ?Kosher,? ?Non-GMO,? ?Organic.? ?People do care about these things.

The Proof Is In The Pudding

If you care about people?s health and are interested in personal fitness and/or as a home business, check the statistics and testimonials. ?Personally, I only work with successful companies that give great service and effective products. ?Buy only from companies with a good business rating and a money-back guarantee. ?Try it out for yourself first but give it a good go before you quit.

Here are the ones I?ve found that fit all the criteria above.

For a recommended Weight Loss and Physical Fitness Program: ?CLICK HERE
(U.S. and Canada Only)

For a recommended Physical Fitness Program you can do at home: ?CLICK HERE


NOTE: ?Recommended programs that I have found to be effective have affiliate programs and purchases made using the links given may result in my personal compensation. ?No claims regarding amount of income that can be made in any industry have been stated or implied here.


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Old Habits Die Hard (talking-points-memo)

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University of Wisconsin Oshkosh in our back yard | Oshkosh ...

Did you know that the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is the 3rd. largest university in Wisconsin? Right out our back door and just blocks away from the B&B. How convenient that it is for students growing up in our community and parents sending their kids off to school and parents coming to visit.

Located on the Fox river and with so much to offer such as recreation, arts and culture, service learning and career building, Oshkosh is a great school to consider. Approximately 13,500 students benefit from the nationally recognized expertise of the faculty and a wide variety of courses and degrees are offered ? including 58 undergraduate majors,17 master?s degree programs and one doctoral degree (Doctorate of Nursing Practice) ? and modest class sizes. ?With 80,000 alumni is easy to see why Oshkosh takes such pride in its campus.

Did you also know that the students at UWO have so much at their fingertips. Reeve Memorial Union?is the place where students can go to relax, featuring a student involvement center, movie theater, club, food court and coffee shop. Throughout the semester, the University also hosts comedians, concerts, carnivals, workshops and many other events providing entertainment to students.

As a student, they also have free access to the state-of-the-art student recreation and wellness center.??This facility features multiple basketball and volleyball courts, an indoor soccer court, more than 80 cardio exercise machines, a jogging/walking track, climbing wall, aerobic studios, Cyber Caf? and many free-standing and machine weights.?Albee Hall which is home to several racquetball courts and an indoor pool are also provided.?For students interested in intercollegiate or intramural sports, Kolf Sports Center?is the field house of the university, including a weight room, gymnastics area and large gym with a track.?UW Oshkosh?s outdoor intercollegiate sports are played at the Oshskosh Sports Complex. This recently renovated facility is home to UW Oshkosh?s football, softball, baseball, men and women?s soccer, and men and women?s track and field teams.

When it comes to learning, there are ten academic buildings located on campus, which are remodeled on a regular basis and feature up-to-date technology. Classrooms have access to digital projectors, televisions and other forms of technology.?All of UW Oshkosh?s colleges and programs are nationally or regionally accredited.?UW Oshkosh also features 47 computer labs on campus located in convenient locations, such as the academic and residence hall buildings. Computer labs are kept on a three-year rotation to ensure students have access to the latest technology. Software is updated annually and computers are preloaded with the programs that students require for their classwork.

In addition to a low city crime rate, UW Oshkosh has its own, highly trained and professional state police officer force, as well as trained student community service officers that serve as police dispatchers. Students walking between buildings late at night can request for an escort or take the free, late-night bus service. Located throughout campus, blue light emergency phones provide added security and are a direct line to the University Police.

As you can see, as a community we are very fortunate to be able to offer so much to our children in learning and hopefully staying and building a life in our ever growing city.


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Samsung's vacuum tube driven speaker lineup gets priced for US, available this Spring (update)

It's no secret that Samsung's been teasing a major interest in premium audio since CES, blending digitally powered speakers with vacuum tube pre-amplifiers. We didn't get a chance to check the systems out in Vegas, but today the company's spilling the details regarding US pricing on a trio of systems, all of which will be available in the Spring. The star of the show is the $800 DA-E750 Audio Dock, featuring the rear-mounted dual dock for Galaxy (charging only) and iOS devices we first saw last month. Clad in a polished wood case (available in black or cherry), the 2.1 stereo system pumps out up to 100 watts of power through its glass fiber speakers and tweeters. As an added touch, its JJ Electronics 12AU7 tubes (the same you could use for guitar amps) are sunken in from its top under glass, allowing for clear view of their glow. Best of all, aside from the requisite USB and 3.5mm inputs, the DA-870 works wirelessly with Samsung's AllShare Play, AirPlay and Bluetooth 3.0 w/ aptX.

Moving past the HiFi category, Samsung's also priced a duo of surround sound systems aimed at the home theater market. To start, there's the $1,000 HT-E6730W Blu-ray 3D 7.1 home theater system and its $800 5.1 sibling, the HT-E6500W Blu-ray 3D -- both of which feature the same tube pre-amp and similar wireless capabilities as the DA-E750. Notably, the E6730W features a tiltable top speaker on each of its stereo towers, allowing for a more personalized output depending on your room. Furthermore, if you happen to have a DA-E750, too, you'll be able to stream the audio via Bluetooth if you find yourself far away from your television. There's no exact date on when you'll be able snag any of them, but Samsung notes that the 5.1 system is currently shipping.

Update: You'll find a press release with all the drool-inducing details after the break.

Continue reading Samsung's vacuum tube driven speaker lineup gets priced for US, available this Spring (update)

Samsung's vacuum tube driven speaker lineup gets priced for US, available this Spring (update) originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 27 Mar 2012 20:19:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Khloe Kardashian: I No Longer Support PETA

Khloe Kardashian took to her blog to speak out on what happened with her sister Kim: Hi dolls. I?m sure you all heard what happened to Kim last week (thank you SO much for the love and support you all showed her), and I just received word that the woman responsible has very close ties [...]


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Monday, March 26, 2012

Hearing planned on ND property tax lawsuit - Property For Rent ...

By Property Tycoon ? on March 24, 2012

A judge scheduled an April 3 hearing on a lawsuit that accuses North Dakota Tax Commissioner Cory Fong and other officials of illegally using public funds to fight a constitutional amendment that would abolish property taxes.

The proposal will be listed as Measure 2 on the June 12 primary ballot. In an order, South Central District Judge Bruce Romanick said he decided to move up earlier hearings scheduled in the lawsuit because of ?the substance of this matter impacting the election.?

The amendment?s backers want Romanick to order the officials and organizations named in the lawsuit to stop their public opposition. Its foes want the lawsuit dismissed, saying it is intended to ?manipulate the political process.?

Both sides agree a speedy hearing is needed.

?The mere pendency of this litigation creates a chilling effect on state defendants? speech,? Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem said in a court filing. ?It also stifles the speech of other public officials who remain silent on these issues for fear of being named in a lawsuit.?

Lynn Boughey, an attorney for the measure?s supporters, said they only want to enforce a state law that bars public officials from taking a position on voter initiatives, and prohibits them from spending taxpayer money for advocacy.

The law ?was passed with the specific purpose of preventing public officials from using public funds or their public position to taint the initiative ? process by advocating, or presenting, false or misleading information,? Boughey said.

Local governments rely on property taxes to finance their operations. The amendment says the Legislature would be required to make up the losses, which the state Tax Department estimates could exceed $850 million this year alone.

Opponents of the measure say the Legislature may have to raise state income and sales taxes to provide replacement revenue, a belief the amendment?s backers dispute. Officials say they also wonder about how new local projects will be financed.

The lawsuit?s defendants are Fong; state Sens. Dwight Cook, R-Mandan, and Dave Oehlke, R-Devils Lake; Reps. Charles Damschen, R-Hampden, and Lonny Winrich, D-Grand Forks; Divide County Commissioner Doug Graupe; Cass County Commissioner Scott Wagner; Darcie Huwe, the city of Wahpeton?s finance director; Williams County Auditor Beth Innis; and state associations that represent school boards, cities, counties and weed control boards.

Article source:


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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Studies in monkeys are unlikely to provide reliable evidence for links ...

Studies in monkeys are unlikely to provide reliable evidence for links between social status and heart disease in humans, according to the first ever systematic review of the relevant research. The study, published in PLoS ONE, concludes that although such studies are cited frequently in human health research the evidence is often "cherry picked" and generalisation of the findings from monkeys to human societies does not appear to be warranted...

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

No B.S. Muscle Building Tactics (Part II) | Stealth Body | Kettlebells ...

MuscleThis is part two (actually part three) in the Muscle Building tactics series.

In the first article, I discussed why it?s critical for everyone, no matter what you?re goals are, to build some degree of lean muscle mass.

For the complete rationale on why this is, please go back to the first article.

In the second?article, I provided 5 specific tactics that you can implement right away to build muscle. ?No B.S., just things that work.

In this third article, I?d like to give you more tactics that will help get you results.

Remember, it seems like muscle building is a bit of mystery for some of us, right?

I mean, there?s a bit more to it than just lifting weights.

So, with that, let?s dive into more tactics you can use.


Muscle building requires you to eat a lot of food, there?s no question about it.

What I recommend is tracking what you eat. ?Use of food journal and keep track of protein, carbs, fats, and calories.

A food journal is one of the single best things you can do, no matter if you?re goals are fat loss, muscle building, or improving your energy and performance.

You can get a composition book at Staples for 99 cents or go ?high tech? and use an online journaling system like

This is a cool tool for easy and accurate tracking of what you eat.

Again, this is one of the most valuable things you can do for eating well. ?If you?re serious about your results, please take action on this.

Is it all about calories?

While calories are important in gaining or losing weight, they aren?t the only thing that?s important.

Food quality and macro nutrient portions are also critical for mass building. ?I?ll discuss this more in a minute.

How many calories should you eat?

A good rule I recently heard was to eat 16 times your body weight in calories.

For example, if you weigh 200, you should be eating around 3,200 calories per day.

Now, to gain muscle the rule is to eat an additional 300-500 calories per day or approximately 2100-3500 extra calories per week.

If the outcomes are not what you want, what do you do?

Adjust your calories, simple as that. ?Up or down, as appropriate.

The key, of course, is to make sure those calories are quality calories and not just crappy food.

You want to make sure you eat quality whole foods.

This is KEY.

Whole foods are not ?packaged foods.? ?They are not highly processed foods.

Packaged foods are processed foods, so try to avoid or minimize as much as you can.

The type of staple whole foods I?m talking about are things like:

  • Organic eggs
  • Seafood (Wild caught)
  • Organic, grass fed beef
  • Organic, free range chicken
  • Sweet Potatoes & Yams
  • Quinoa
  • Wild rice, in moderation
  • Fruits, moderate intake in high glycemic index fruits
  • Vegetables (Brocholi, spinach, kale, peppers, romaine, etc.)
  • Nuts + Seeds (Raw, unsalted)
  • Healthy Fats & Oils (Avacodo, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil)
  • Nut butters (Almond)
  • Flax seed
  • Coconut Milk/Almond Milk

Eating a lot the right foods will make a HUGE difference for your muscle building process.

Remember not just quantity, but quality.

For a great short read on whole foods, check out Food Rules by Michael Pollan. ?(This book is not about building muscle, but has everything to do with quality eating.)


This is a big topic and sometimes controversial.

Protein consumption has been debated for years and probably will continue to be for many more.

More basic rules here, but to build muscle the rule is you should consume one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.

This is a good rule to follow for muscle growth.

As we know, muscle growth and tissue repair requires protein.

Protein is the building block for growth, so to grow, you?ve got to consume protein. Agreed?

Protein won?t make you fat, but there has been potential ?health? concerns with eating too much.

For normal, healthy individuals, I have not seen any data to suggest that protein consumption is bad.

If you know of any data, please let me know. ?I?d be interested to read what it has to say.

Again, it really comes down to quality protein.

So, what do I mean my that?

Quality proteins are proteins that have not been processed or chemically treated.

Quality proteins are also the lean, healthy food suggestions I mention above.

For more on why organic, free range meats are recommended, see the previous article on Eating Organic.

Also, I do usually recommend supplementing with a (quality) protein shake.

Because so many proteins are highly processed, my current recommendations are ?cleaner? type of proteins.

Although whey protein is still the king, there are many other great proteins that are highly effective, may have improved gastrointestinal tolerability, and better overall for your health.

A great vegan protein supplement is by ?I?ve become a big fan of the SunWarrior products for their clean, organic, effective, high quality products.

And, they taste great too.

Most people can have a tough time meeting their protein requirements.

For this reason, protein supplementation is usually a great way to make sure you get the protein you need to build lean muscle.


I?m surprised how frequently this is missed in workout programs.

Nutrient timing is another HUGE topic that I?ll just touch on here and give you a key tactic to make sure you use.

If you want to get the most out of your workouts, you must make sure you eat to optimize performance, body composition, and your recovery.

If you don?t do this, you?re wasting your time.

Nutrient timing (NT) is much more that getting in your post-workout carb/protein (C/P), although that?s a critical component.

After you finish your workout, you have 30-45 minutes where your body responds very favorably to macronutrients (carbs and protein).

This 30-45 minute time period following your workout is known as the ?metabolic window.?

You body will respond very well to the right nutrients at the right time. ?That is the essence of (NT).

Why is this so important?

Here?s a list of some of the benefits:

  • replenish glycogen stores faster after training
  • increase protein synthesis
  • enhance immune function (so you don?t get sick)
  • speed recovery and tissue repair
  • improve muscle mass
  • and may enhance fat oxidation

(NT) is very powerful for these reasons and many more.

How do you best optimize the metabolic window?

Within 30 to 45 minutes post exercise make sure that you consume a carbohydrate protein combination with a ratio of 4:1 or 3:1, carb to protein.

This is especially important if you are training at a high intensity.

Most protein shakes can accommodate these requirements by adding fruits or other carbs to your protein shake.

A shake is usually the best option post workout, since most people don?t want to eat right after an intense exercise session.

By the way, the reason for the combination of (C/P) is that this combination has been shown to be MORE effective than either a carb or a protein alone.

As I mentioned, NT is a very big topic to cover and is beyond the scope of this article.

I?ll be covering this topic in much greater detail in the future.

For right now, make sure you take advantage of your ?metabolic window? after a hard training session and get some source of (C/P) combination post workout.


Drink lots of water, period.

Here?s a point where I differ with the Paleo/Primal approach.

Your body needs water and lots of it.

I recently heard a crazy statistic that approximately 70% of Americans were chronically dehydrated. ?Not just dehydrated, but chronically dehydrated.

We require water for optimal function. ?If we are dehydrated, we don?t function at our best.

Did you know the body recognizes thirst less as we get older?

And, a dry mouth is actually the last sign of dehydration.

How much water should you drink?

According to Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, author of Your Body?s Many Cries for Water, your goal should be to drink half your bodyweight in ounces per day.

So if you weigh 200 pounds you should have 100 ounces of water per day.

There are numerous health benefits for this and this will keep you hydrated, help to flush your system, and help your body to transport and store nutrients more efficiently.

Coffee, tea, soda are not water and don?t count as such.

Caffeinated beverage, in particular, are diuretic and excrete fluid from your tissue.

Hydrate with lots of water for optimal health, performance, and muscle building.


The final muscle building tactic I?ll discuss may be the hardest one of all.

If you are into training, the hardest thing to do sometimes is take time off and get the rest you need.

I admit, I?m guilty of this myself.

Overtraining is typically caused by extreme levels of training frequency, volume, or intensity.

Or a combination of all of these.

How will you know when you are overtraining?

There?s a few key things to look out for such as a decrease desire to train, decrease in performance, increased fatigue and feelings of ?burnout,? and even the potential for injury.

What do you do about it once you recognize it?

Take some time off, scale it back, and cycle your training. ?Again, take some time off, it?s not a bad thing to do every once in a while.

The key with this is really being ?in tune? with your body.

Learn to respond to your body. ?If you learn about your body, you will be able to determine when you?re overdoing it.

Get your sleep, rest and recover, and feed your body with the nutrients it needs to build and to grow.

Overtraining can be a big set back for you. ?Recognize the signs and learn to put things in low gear when you need to.

If you hit a plateau with your muscle building program, consider a ?rest and recover? approach before taking things to the next stage.

Well, that?s it folks, it?s a wrap.

There?s 10 tactics to help you build lean muscle.

In summary, here are all 10 Muscle Building tactic in this article series:

  6. EAT A LOT

There you have it.

Comments or questions about how to build muscle are welcome.

Just leave them below.

If you liked this post, please share it with others who may benefit.

Thanks for reading.


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Friday, March 23, 2012

Just Show Me: 2 social networks that aren?t Facebook

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For long-unemployed, hiring bias rears its head

Michelle Chesney-Offutt, poses in her home before leaving for work as an insurance customer service representative, Thursday, March 22, 2012, in Sandwich, Ill. Chesney-Offutt, who was unemployed for nearly three years before landing a job, said a recruiter who responded to her online resume two years ago liked her qualifications and was set to schedule an interview. But he backed away, she said, when he learned she had been out of work for 13 months. The employer he represented would not consider applicants who were unemployed for more than six months, she said. More than a dozen states are considering legislation that would forbid employers from refusing to hire workers just because they?ve been unemployed for months or years. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

Michelle Chesney-Offutt, poses in her home before leaving for work as an insurance customer service representative, Thursday, March 22, 2012, in Sandwich, Ill. Chesney-Offutt, who was unemployed for nearly three years before landing a job, said a recruiter who responded to her online resume two years ago liked her qualifications and was set to schedule an interview. But he backed away, she said, when he learned she had been out of work for 13 months. The employer he represented would not consider applicants who were unemployed for more than six months, she said. More than a dozen states are considering legislation that would forbid employers from refusing to hire workers just because they?ve been unemployed for months or years. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

Michelle Chesney-Offutt, poses in her home before leaving for work as an insurance customer service representative, Thursday, March 22, 2012, in Sandwich, Ill. Cheney-Offutt, who was unemployed for nearly three years before landing a job, said a recruiter who responded to her online resume two years ago liked her qualifications and was set to schedule an interview. But he backed away, she said, when he learned she had been out of work for 13 months. The employer he represented would not consider applicants who were unemployed for more than six months, she said. More than a dozen states are considering legislation that would forbid employers from refusing to hire workers just because they?ve been unemployed for months or years. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) ? Few job seekers who fail to get an interview know the reason, but Michelle Chesney-Offutt said a recruiter told her why she lost the chance to pitch for an information technology position.

The 54-year-old, who had been laid off from her IT job in Illinois, said the recruiter who responded to her online resume two years ago liked her qualifications and was set to schedule an interview. But he backed away, she said, when he learned she had been out of work for 13 months.

The employer he represented would not consider applicants who were unemployed for more than six months, she said.

"What they don't consider is that these are not normal times," said Chesney-Offutt, who was unemployed for nearly three years before landing a job.

As high unemployment persists more than four years after the start of the Great Recession ? and nearly three years after it was officially declared over ? many who have struggled for years without work say they face discrimination. Nearly 13 million Americans, or 8.3 percent, were unemployed in February, the U.S. Department of Labor says.

As of January, California, Connecticut Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Tennessee were considering legislation to prohibit employers from discriminating against the unemployed in help-wanted ads or in direct hiring or in screenings by employment agencies, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Employers typically would face fines if found violating the law. The Oregon House, for example, voted last month to fine employers $1,000 if they post a job ad telling unemployed workers to not apply.

Some personnel managers say evidence of discrimination is sketchy and that hiring decisions are based on a host of subjective reasons that defy remedies imposed by laws.

"There's much more subliminal discrimination against the unemployed that's hard to document," said Lynne Sarikas, director of the MBA Career Center at Northeastern University's College of Business Administration. "Hiring is an art, not a science. You rely on a gut reaction."

For example, employers may suspect that an unemployed applicant is seeking an available job for the wrong reasons, she said.

"A manager is going to get the vibe that they'll take anything to get a job and if something better comes along they're out the door," Sarikas said.

Also, some long-term unemployed applicants may come across as too urgent for work, "and desperation doesn't translate well in an interview," she said.

Terri Michaels, who manages a Hartford employment firm that primarily staffs temporary employees, criticized hiring practices that screen out unemployed job seekers. Despite the policies of small staffing companies such as hers, some large employers have an unspoken policy against hiring applicants who've been out of work for two years or more because they want workers with a stable job history and recent references, she said.

"They won't be able to say it but they'll act on it," said Michaels, manager of Stewart Staffing Solutions.

Employers generally expect job candidates ? even while unemployed ? to show they did some work such as volunteering or working temporary jobs, she said.

"People who did not work in any capacity, didn't do anything are not as desirable to prospective employers," Michaels said. "One has to question, is that discriminatory? I don't know."

Michaels said employers may use unemployment to weed out applicants for no other reason than to cut down a huge number of resumes for coveted job openings.

"When you have 14 million unemployed, everyone is applying for everything," she said. "You have to be somewhat discriminating."

A New Jersey lawmaker who co-sponsored the nation's only law barring ads that restrict applicants to those already with a job, agrees that job hunters need to show they've been active, even in unemployment.

"Don't sit at home. Make yourself available to your community," said Assemblywoman Celeste M. Riley.

Still, she said she backed the legislation after colleagues showed her employment ads specifying that the unemployed should not bother applying.

"I found that absolutely reprehensible," Riley said. "When you apply for a job, you should be viewed based on your skill level, not whether you have a job or not."

Connecticut lawmakers are proposing legislation that would ban discriminatory job ads, but may back off from a more far-reaching provision that would permit unemployed job seekers who claim discrimination to file a complaint with the state's human rights commission or sue in court.

The largest business group in the state, the Connecticut Business & Industry Association, sees a ban on discriminatory job ads as reasonable, but lobbyist Kia Murrell said businesses will fight efforts to give workers the right to sue over claims of discrimination.

"You as the employer will be shaking in fear of a claim of unemployment discrimination," she said.

The state's human rights commission told lawmakers that substantiating bias in hiring would be difficult and could require its staff to be nearly doubled if just a small fraction of Connecticut's 150,000 unemployed were to file a discrimination claim.

State Sen. Edith Prague and Rep. Bruce Zalaski, who head the legislature's Labor and Public Employees Committee, said they may drop the provision allowing claims of discrimination.

"It's not our intent that everyone can be sued," Zalaski said.

The National Employment Law Project, based in New York, wants states to add laws that do more than ban discriminatory ads. Laws should explicitly prohibit employers and employment agencies from eliminating from consideration candidates who are unemployed, the advocacy group says.

"You want to tell employers they can't screen workers out of the process because they're unemployed," said George Wentworth, a lawyer for the group.

Chesney-Offutt, of Sandwich, Ill., said she took a 4-hour-a-week job teaching voice lessons so she could tell prospective employers she was employed.

"They didn't care I was unemployed," she said. "They just wanted to know if I could teach voice lessons."

The strategy worked and she eventually got a job in insurance customer service, taking calls from customers reporting claims. It doesn't allow her to use her information technology skills, but she's glad to be working.

Associated Press


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Thursday, March 22, 2012

How Is Your Business Finding New Sales Opportunities? | MLM ...

How will you begin picking a sales lead generation strategy for your organization? Every single marketer is asking this particular question and finding various remedies. For marketers tight on time, it?s not easy to invest time developing new potential clients, and employing the expertise of a lead generation agency might be effective. Inevitably, each and every marketing professional must determine what?s more vital to them, time or money? If a marketing professional has the time and resources, this individual can be quite effective at obtaining qualified prospects, however, for modern-day marketers this isn?t generally conceivable. For those considering employing the help of a lead generation agency, there are a number of factors to think about.

What sort of company do you need to employ for your company?s sales lead generation program? Every company concentrates on niches and some agencies may only deliver B2C sales opportunities. The more specialized an agency is in your company?s field, the better your company?s chances are that the agency will generate qualified business lead. If they have no practical experience in your firm?s marketplace, they may be in search of prospects in all of the wrong locations, which signifies squandered time and expense for everybody. Look at the agency?s existing and former client roster so you can get a sense of what an company may possibly focus on if it is not apparent straight away. Besides that, ask your potential agency for client recommendations and search around to determine if clients are content with their success. If you?re going to invest the dollars for a sales lead generation program, it?s best to look around.

After you?ve produced a list of potential agencies, you will have to classify them additionally. This can be achieved by evaluating the cost of their professional services, exactly what the agency provides relating to lead qualifications, if the agency has a call center, if the agency uses any direct marketing tactics, and precisely how they handle your prospective buyers. When will your company?s potential customers be supplied to you? When they reply to an interest form on the web, once they make an appointment for your firm?s services, once they purchase your business? goods and services? This will likely dramatically affect the quality and cost of your corporation?s business lead.

If you are torn amongst agencies, analyze their sales lead generation strategies. How do they get prospective customers? By using direct mail, display advertising, email marketing, social media marketing, SEO, search engine marketing? Make certain that their method is plausible for your corporation. Exactly where do your company?s leads dwell? If you?re concentrating on a digitally savvy audience, and your organization?s agency is running a direct mail campaign, your corporation can end up with unwanted potential customers. Can your firm?s possible sales lead generation company grasp your product enough to sell it to customers? Be certain that the agency has a good understanding of what it is that your corporation does or sells, so they can raise your business? sales potential and deliver more prospective clients to you.

And lastly, consider the agency?s communication methods. Is they agency tough to get in contact with? Do they respond to your emails straight away? If you feel like a company is leading you in circles, then it is smart not to begin a business partnership with them. Sales lead generation needs constant communication between the prospect and the service provider so that sales process remains easy and obtainable. If you aren?t paying attention to and addressing your user?s needs, they will opt for an organization that is.

Are you capable of handling your sales lead generation? If not, let a lead generation agency help you.

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COMMUNICATIONS ARTICLES ? Dependable Telephone Systems ...

In the current economic climate, small businesses owners are concerned with sustain profits. And if you are going to remain profitable, you must remain in contact with your clientele-thus the need for reliable telephone systems. New York VoIP companies help a business owner to manage their communications needs effectively. And with VoIP, the business owner determines which features are most important.

For instance, if your business is one where you experience an exceedingly heavy call volume, you will be interested in an unlimited calling plan for your telephone systems. New York City is a heavily populated area, and if your product or service is in high-demand, there will be no shortage of clientele. And when it comes to unlimited calling plans, you want a plan that won?t break your budget. VoIP technology will allow you keep your costs down while increasing your profits.

Aside from increased call volume management, some business owners have customers all around the world. In fact, modern technology makes it possible for us to work with our business associate or customers all over the world. And should the need arise to speak with everyone at the same time, teleconferencing is a quick and easy answer. Teleconferencing will help ensure that everyone on the call is on the same page, or effectively in the know.

You may also think about what would happen if you decided to relocate your business from one major city to another. The probability of you being able to transfer your new number to your new location is next to nil. All of your marketing efforts, and materials that display this telephone number, would have been in vain. Nothing hurts all of those marketing efforts like having to get a new phone number. If you use VoIP technology, you can effortlessly take your telephone number with you. This makes the stress of moving your business from one location to another less important.

So, there you have it in a nutshell. Small business owners deserve dependable telephone systems. New York VoIP business plans will meet all of these demands and more. I often wonder why more businesses haven?t made the switch to VoIP technology. And even though it took me a long time to find out about VoIP, now, that I have, there?s no turning back. So, follow my lead, and don?t delay the benefits of VoIP communications any longer.

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