Friday, March 30, 2012

Health & Fitness As a Network Marketing Home Business

Health & Fitness As a Network Marketing Home Business

Have you noticed that the healthy and energetic business owners are the ones who make the most money? ?There are many reasons for this but one reason (particular to network marketing) is that your potential associates look you over with a magnifying glass to see if you represent what they wish to attain. ?What good is it to be a successful entrepreneur if you do not have the energy and stamina to do the job? ?If you are overweight, unhealthy, uninspiring, it conveys a message to your prospective customer or business associate that your plan does not work.

Is There Too Much Competition?

Some people think the ?health and wealth? network marketing industry is saturated and no longer the right opportunity to invest in. ?If you feel that way, please do yourself a favor. ?Find a busy shopping mall or a restaurant and have a seat. ?Take out a notepad and make two columns, labeling one ?Overweight/Unhealthy? and the other ?Looks Fit.? ?Spend ten minutes observing the people around you putting?a mark in the appropriate column for each person you see, including children. ?Don?t leave out the elderly or anyone using a walker or wheelchair. ?After ten minutes, add up the slash marks and discover for yourself what percentage of people need better nutrition and exercise. ?If you do this, you will have the truth about the health, nutrition and fitness industry.

There may be plenty of products and services available but ask yourself this: ?If those products are in any way effective, why do we still have an obesity epidemic? ?Why are these people walking so slowly, looking so glum? ?Why are their faces tensed with pain or exhaustion? ?Possibly what is lacking is effectiveness.

Lack of Effectiveness Opens the Market

The apathy you see in the eyes of those who are obese comes from years of trying to lose weight and get fit only to find nothing worked. ?They do not want to resort to surgery or dangerous drugs. ?They have tried various diet plans and have spent a great deal of money and time trying to look and feel better. ?Most of them, if they were lucky enough to lose weight in the first place, gained it all back within a year.

If you already work in the weight loss or fitness industry, you know that you first have to get your client past their apathy and disbelief. ?They don?t trust that your product or plan works. ?Most will be happy to lose a few pounds and gain a bit of muscle.? There is no magic pill, no completely safe, risk-free surgery.

So why bother with this industry? ?Two reasons come to mind. ?This epidemic affects your neighbors, your family, and your friends. ?The percentage of overweight and obese individuals is climbing steadily and cardiovascular disease (heart and circulatory) ?succumb to the lack of an effective diet and exercise plan? ?Of course not.

The obstacles to getting fit and what you should look for in a Fitness Home Business are:


  • The product should not cost more money than the consumer has already tried or is spending, or better yet ? save them money
  • The best nutrition or exercise plan should take up less than ten minutes a day, ?or better yet ? save them time

Most people surveyed do not have time to go to the gym or prepare special meals. ?Maximum time for exercise surveys at around 30 minutes twice a week though contrary answers show that most people do not actually exercise that much. ?Some fitness center members say their favorite class or fitness instructor is not available when they are. ?Others forgot to figure in travel time. ?While some people say a membership does get them to exercise, others prefer a home exercise machine but do not have the money to purchase the one they?d prefer. ?Almost all of the answers regarding what is stopping them from nutritious meals and regular exercise could be boiled down to ?time and money.?


  • The product should bring pleasure and be more desirable than what they have been doing
  • The product should in some way ease mental, emotional or physical pain

There have been many ?meal replacement? snacks and drinks on down through the decades. ?Two of the majority responses to ?Why did you stop using meal replacement snacks or drinks?? were: ??Tastes awful? or ?Had a negative digestive reaction.? ?And what stopped the exercise? ??It hurt too much and was too hard to do.? ?What good is a great diet and exercise plan if you cannot ?stomach? it? ?On the other hand, people who noticed a difference in their energy levels and overall feeling of well-being, persisted through any discomfort, indigestion or ?detoxification,? etc., to achieve the pleasurable results.


  • The product should align with the variety of personal and nutrition beliefs of the consumer
  • The product should enhance the ideals of the consumer

People have formed or adopted strong opinions about diet and nutrition usually by the time they are 18 years old. ?Some people have food restrictions as part of their beliefs and ideas about their ideal appearance, how they should feel, even how long they should live. ?Nutrition industries are running into this more and more. ?Ask a customer service representative or a nutritionist. ?They will tell you about?people who have developed ?food allergies.? ?Imagined or otherwise, these opinions and conditions are not to be argued with. ?The consumer is certain that they cannot tolerate a certain food. ?If your product or service does not align with most people?s ideals and lifestyles, your consumer base will be limited. ?Witness the increased messages on the labels ? ?Vegan,? ?Kosher,? ?Non-GMO,? ?Organic.? ?People do care about these things.

The Proof Is In The Pudding

If you care about people?s health and are interested in personal fitness and/or as a home business, check the statistics and testimonials. ?Personally, I only work with successful companies that give great service and effective products. ?Buy only from companies with a good business rating and a money-back guarantee. ?Try it out for yourself first but give it a good go before you quit.

Here are the ones I?ve found that fit all the criteria above.

For a recommended Weight Loss and Physical Fitness Program: ?CLICK HERE
(U.S. and Canada Only)

For a recommended Physical Fitness Program you can do at home: ?CLICK HERE


NOTE: ?Recommended programs that I have found to be effective have affiliate programs and purchases made using the links given may result in my personal compensation. ?No claims regarding amount of income that can be made in any industry have been stated or implied here.


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